Macaos Enterprise 4.x

Build (12-06-2018)
- 0003977: [Import] Error in estimating min. hole-cu distance
- 0003976: [Import] Drill parser fails on block with M08M30
- 0003965: [Import] Via protection layer missing after publish
- 0003962: [Import] Drill files do not link to correct Gerber X2 drill depths
- 0003974: [Panelization] Frame objects sometimes placed within boards
- 0003973: [Panelization] plated slot diameter rounded up after panalization

Build (07-05-2018)
- 0003961: [Other] Require users to confirm privacy policy (GDPR confirmation)
- 0003951: [Product browser] Always shows legend color in product browser after restart
- 0003956: [Import] Automatic feature estimations fail for outer layers
- 0003957: [Price] Customer RFQ gets wrong order type if product is not PCB

Build (23-04-2018)
- 0003918: [Import] Select user-defined stackup material from CircuitData database
- 0003949: [Import] Symmetric stackup gets warning about not symmetric
- 0003946: [Import] Can not set nominal thickness to 50µm
- 0003940: [Import] Can not specify dielectric thickness for 1-layer MBB
- 0003747: [Panelization] A few issues with scratch elements in panels
- 0003935: [Stencil] Can not open Gerber file
- 0003936: [Test fixture] Allow test pin pitch of 1.25mm for R50 pins

Build (21-03-2018)
- 0003928: [Import] Can not specify number of different products in panel
- 0003930: [Stencil] Access violation when publishing stencil

Build (19-03-2018)
- 0003912: [Price] Supplier list too wide relative to dialog width
- 0003925: [Stencil] When adding stencils to partners the company name was not written on the stencil
- 0003913: [Import] Problems defining custom stackup for 1-layer MBB
- 0003914: [Import] Layer-specific matl does not load properly when editing custom stackup
- 0003916: [Panelization] Inner layer names incorrect when layer count=10
- 0003924: [Price] Prices in Panel module do not always manage start costs properly
- 0003896: [Price] Order options missing when creating RFQ from no price
- 0003926: [Stencil] Loading outline data from gerberfile caused access violation
- 0003919: [Stencil] Cannot select frame from Data
- 0003819: [Stencil] Delete stencil objects, sometimes deletes other objects than the ones selected

Build (28-02-2018)
- 0003907: [Product browser] Color check box should not show when viewing mech part
- 0003856: [Viewer] Show drill depths in stackup viewer
- 0003903: [Import] AutoContour selects too large tool for outer contour with notches
- 0003901: [Import] Dielectric material shows incorrectly when editing custom stackup
- 0003889: [Import] Multi-quadrant arc slots in excellon file incorrectly imported
- 0003887: [Import] Remark layer missing from imported product
- 0003900: [Other] Unable to select company when sales office publishes panel
- 0003895: [Panelization] Rigid board with outer rout diameter < 1mm causes program to crash
- 0003906: [Price] Mech parts get painted price even with no color selected

Build (19-02-2018)
- 0003892: [Import] Allow specifying CTI for custom dielectric material definition
- 0003849: [Price] Allow adding comment when creating an RFQ from quotation
- 0003893: [Other] Set FeatureBrowserEmulation registry key
- 0003894: [Other] Very small files get corrupted when extracting from zip
- 0003890: [Price] PCB with special material not identified as having special material

Build (12-02-2018)
- 0003882: [3D part] Can not add STEP file to product
- 0003888: [Import] Min rout dia not always rounded properly
- 0003886: [Import] Access violation when defining custom stackup
- 0003883: [Viewer] Keyboard shortcuts for the 3d viewer do not work

Build (08-02-2018)
- 0003880: [Import] Access violation when publishing 1-layer product
- 0003879: [Stencil] Can not publish stencil without fiducials
- 0003881: [Viewer] Stackup viewer does not draw stackup when switching tabs

Build (07-02-2018)
New functionality:
- 0003853: [3D part] Additional material choices
- 0003798: [3D part] Add support for paint color
- 0003857: [Import] Import board specs from Gerber .gbrjob file
- 0003801: [Import] Allow for refresh of import files
- 0001710: [Import] Improved support for flex/flex-rigid stackups
- 0003766: [Stencil] Macaos options for stencil: coated, polish
- 0003873: [Import] Unsupported PnP file
- 0003868: [Import] Unsupported PnP file
- 0003783: [Panelization] Easy exchange of x/y placement of objects
- 0003858: [Price] Quotations for connector products do not include the product drawing
- 0003867: [Product browser] When showing a product in viewer re-download files and info and update viewer upon Refresh
- 0003836: [Product browser] Add "# products in shoping cart" to icon
- 0003828: [Product browser] Connectors should be visible to all user's in publisher's company
- 0003804: [Product browser] Machines should be a separate product type/folder
- 0003790: [Product browser] Add settings for display of folders
- 0003859: [Test fixture] When selecting a different jig or fixture style do an automatic re-draw
- 0003837: [Viewer] When showing top/bottom side of a flex board, show coverlayer also
- 0003827: [3D part] Access violation on close program after importing
- 0003871: [Import] Min buried diameter not calculated for ODB++ jobs
- 0003870: [Import] Blind and buried via files are lost on publish from ODB++ files
- 0003863: [Import] Unlinking files fails
- 0003852: [Import] Eagle PnP file not recognized if field contains space
- 0003842: [Import] Slots in drill/milling files not visible when viewing -single file
- 0003829: [Import] Error in contour file generation
- 0003838: [Order] Shipping/handling costs are added to order twice
- 0003864: [Other] Add peel-off with Duplicate pads does not work
- 0003854: [Other] Error in reading files in some cases
- 0003850: [Panelization] Some specs are not correctly updated when publishing
- 0003835: [Panelization] Problem with polygon intersection detection
- 0003862: [Price] Wrong stencil price when order placed
- 0003872: [Viewer] Unable to locate file when adding file to product
- 0003865: [Viewer] Access violation, when doing a mouse scroll before date is loaded into a viewer

Build (23-11-2017)
- 0003826: [3D part] Access violation if no STL file imported
- 0003820: [3D part] Access violation if enter name before loading STL file
- 0003823: [Import] Check boxes incorrectly positioned in custom stackup editor
- 0003822: [Import] Rounded rectangles have distorted corners in some cases
- 0003825: [Panelization] False warnings about break-off tabs and copper conflicts
- 0003824: [Panelization] Copper fill added to top only, when copper fill outer is selected
- 0003821: [Price] No x-out not working with free specs

Build (20-11-2017)
- 0003792: [3D part] Minimum weight should be 1 gram
- 0003812: [Panelization] Default fiducial size in scripts should be 1 mm
- 0003789: [Viewer] Change the way inaccurate arcs are processed
- 0003791: [Viewer] Improve pan and add zoom fit
- 0003813: [Import] Gerber as drill fails if multiple extended commands in %-pair
- 0003811: [Import] Can not select documentation in link filter manager
- 0003808: [Import] Macaos XYR files not properly imported
- 0003807: [Import] False error message for missing files
- 0003796: [Import] Select rectangle does not show when measuring
- 0003795: [Import] Altium PnP file in mils has wrong scale
- 0003797: [Panelization] Copying/moving boards on panels with copper fill can cause AV
- 0003799: [Test fixture] When loading .mtt file, test pins are marked as guide pins
- 0003810: [Viewer] ODB++ rotated oval pads incorrectly displayed

Build (04-10-2017)
- 0003788: [Import] Colors not correctly restrained to legend or solder mask
- 0003787: [Import] File polarity conflict in solder mask files
- 0003786: [Order] Add to basket should ask for delivery address (on first item only)

Build (01-10-2017)
- 0003720: [Viewer] Rout layer should not be visible when unchecked
- 0003781: [Import] Selecting scoring sets wrong min. route size
- 0003780: [Import] Snap to vertex does not work when drawing contour rectangle
- 0003746: [Panelization] Min tab length is limited by route size for round boards
- 0003779: [Product browser] Folders-panel in product browser can dissapear

Build (06-09-2017)
New functionality:
- 0003745: [Import] Add parsers for Kicad, NetWizard and Allegro headerless PnP formats
- 0001601: [Panelization] Check that mousebite holes do not conflict with copper objects
- 0003765: [Import] Custom stackup - dielectric thickness should have 3 sig. digits
- 0003762: [Order] Use only one shipping address (by default)
- 0003754: [Panelization] Disallow placing boards <1.6mm in multi-product individual boards
- 0003729: [Price] Remember most recently used qty and days values
- 0003743: [Product browser] Make variant should be able to edit options
- 0003771: [Import] Should not be possible to link more than one PnP file to same layer
- 0003756: [Import] Gerber drill files appear to be empty though they are not
- 0003753: [Import] Custom stackup definition - cannot type 0,2 mm without a warning
- 0003725: [Import] Wrong min route diameter in specifications in some cases
- 0003744: [Order] Stencil prices are wrong when adding stencils to shopping basket
- 0003760: [Panelization] Breakoffs wrong offset in some cases
- 0003767: [Price] Quote dialog does not scale properly with scaled display on high DPI screen
- 0003751: [Product browser] "List index out off bounds" on all 3 types of P&P output
- 0003724: [Product browser] Change of login should clear viewer

Build (07-06-2017)
New functionality:
- 0003723: [Test fixture] Place connector on fixture top or at any height in side wall
- 0003719: [Product browser] Show connectors published by user plus previously purchased
- 0003722: [Test fixture] Annotate connector cutouts with type of connector
- 0003718: [Import] Protel PIK files are not recognized as PnP files
- 0003713: [Import] Layer named Copper Top does not link to Copper Top layer
- 0003715: [Order] When puchasing a newly created connector, the preliminary OC is wrong
- 0003712: [Test fixture] Can not enter negative offset for standard lower fixture
- 0003711: [Test fixture] Standard test fixture width and height are not saved/reloaded

Build (18-05-2017)
New functionality:
- 0003676: [3D part] Import mechanical part from STL file
- 0003650: [Import] Place annotation field based on number of characters to write
- 0003651: [Panelization] Place annotation field based on number of characters to write
- 0003653: [Price] Price calculator for connector chooser
- 0003692: [Test fixture] Support for new Standard Macaos Test Jig
- 0003678: [Test fixture] Place static alignment pin along edge of board
- 0003670: [Test fixture] Show existing fixture when creating fixture based on existing fixture
- 0003584: [Test fixture] Allow user to specify/edit pin coordinates
- 0003652: [Import] Should be possible to cancel UL mark placement with right mouse
- 0003705: [Panelization] Break off holes should be symmetric on both sides of panel frame
- 0003700: [Product browser] Sort custom and global subfolders
- 0003696: [Product browser] Add a global product category for Machines
- 0003709: [Import] Solder mask files have wrong Gerber X2 .FilePolarity
- 0003697: [Import] Core checkbox not set when editing aluminum core stackup
- 0003690: [Import] Not possible to change layer of drill file in the Files tab
- 0003694: [Panelization] Some contours get smaller tabs than the user selected after publish
- 0003706: [Product browser] Add mask on previously ordered board caused access violation
- 0003699: [Product browser] Wrong folder loaded after dragging product to folder
- 0003698: [Product browser] Custom folders are not shown under "My folders" when created
- 0003695: [Viewer] Layer name for pick and place layers not shown
- 0003701: [Other] Submitting a bug report causes loss of connection

Build (28-03-2017)
- 0003632: [Import] Possibility to specify default finish/colors
- 0003671: [Test fixture] Allow cancel in fixture selection dialog
- 0003681: [Price] RFQs are not created correctly for non-board products
- 0003675: [Price] Some users report difficulty selecting qtys/days due to font size
- 0003665: [Test fixture] Pressing Publish without any pins defined causes access violation

Build (13-03-2017)
- 0003660: [Order] Cannot place order - ME009: not an integer error message

Build (10-03-2017)
- 0003658: [Product browser] Organize folders in categories
- 0003646: [Test fixture] Zoom to board / Zoom to all
- 0003615: [Test fixture] Loading from file shows edit pin dialog for each pin without name
- 0003645: [Import] Zoom to board / Zoom to all
- 0003643: [Import] Can't link drill files if filename incorrectly parsed
- 0003626: [Import] ODB++: Rotated rectangular pads get enlarged rather than rotated
- 0003623: [Import] Some GerberX2 file function parameters are not mapped to correct layers
- 0003605: [Import] Polygon missing after publish if starts at X or Y = zero
- 0003598: [Import] Cannot link "out of context" layers in ODB++
- 0003616: [Order] Order prices should be rounded when passed to basket
- 0003657: [Price] Price for product differs before and after getting price with free specs
- 0003647: [Price] Add to basket should not be enabled if user does not have Purchase rights
- 0003624: [Stencil] Auto selection of panel fiducials fail
- 0003649: [Test fixture] Product name is not copied from board product
- 0003648: [Test fixture] Alligning of fixtures top and bottom
- 0003644: [Test fixture] Saved test fixture with flipped board does not restore properly

Build (03-02-2017)
- 0003613: [Viewer] PKZip error when viewing product with zip file in product data

Build (02-02-2017)
- 0003611: [Price] Add more "click to enter" quantities
- 0003607: [Panelization] Access violation on publish on some panels
- 0003609: [Price] Returns prices for panels qtys even if boards qtys are selected

Build (26-01-2017)
New functionality:
- 0003581: [Import] Quick contour mode
- 0003578: [Import] Ability to select obround pads as track objects
- 0003503: [Import] Specify inner contour or track rout as depth rout from top or bottom
- 0003417: [Other] It should be possible to delete logins from the list known logins
- 0003601: [Stencil] Add possibility to change height or width of stencil openings by selection
- 0003475: [Stencil] Additional stencil product parameters
- 0003525: [Test fixture] Possibility for rotated text
- 0003517: [Test fixture] Z-dimension visualizer
- 0003491: [Test fixture] Would like to save partially finished test fixture for later use
- 0003580: [Import] 2-layer custom stackups should be defined with free thickness
- 0003574: [Import] Link filter tweak for Proteus
- 0003552: [Import] Options: Allow set warning threshold for small Track and Annular ring
- 0003380: [Import] Support for ferrite layer
- 0003431: [Order] Should be possible to include email and org# with invoice address
- 0003514: [Panelization] Insert solder mask objects in cover layer
- 0002410: [Panelization] Add more info to PanelReport.txt so it's easier to recreate a panel
- 0003547: [Product browser] Remember main window maximized state to next startup
- 0003374: [Price] It should be possible to order a product even if no price is available
- 0002785: [Stencil] Add support for licensed stencil types
- 0003583: [Test fixture] Should be possible to place pin even when multiple objects selected
- 0003567: [Test fixture] Select test fixture size within test fixture designer
- 0003558: [Test fixture] Selecting a fixture should not disable the Fixture designer
- 0003600: [Viewer] Set layers visible according to product type
- 0003550: [Viewer] Add status text to see if the view is mirrored or rotated
- 0003593: [Import] Problem parsing ODB++ soldermask pad
- 0003590: [Import] X2 attribute causes access violation when linking to Board
- 0003579: [Import] Can't publish because annular ring too small (0) If no drill file linked
- 0003577: [Import] .lst files sometimes make the program stop Autolink
- 0003575: [Import] Can not set product id mark
- 0003569: [Import] White square in corner of layers diagram if file has invalid drill depth
- 0003568: [Import] Access violation when publishing product with invalid drill depth
- 0003561: [Import] Some cutouts missing from polygon in ODB++ file
- 0003553: [Import] Dissalow marking with UL-mark selected warning does not work properly
- 0003534: [Import] ODB++ fails in paint and scratch layers on publish
- 0003502: [Import] Wrong token error when product name contains "
- 0003473: [Order] When placing orders with free addresss the comment text is incorrect
- 0003585: [Panelization] Check for dark/clear when inserting objects in solder mask
- 0003555: [Panelization] Creating panel from 212708 causes notch in board
- 0003554: [Panelization] Autopanel: Checking scoring x/y does not activate modified
- 0003545: [Panelization] Multipanel fails in some cases
- 0003551: [Partner manager] Email text in Partner requests is not correct
- 0003576: [Product browser] Access violation when deleting product
- 0003573: [Product browser] Product browser list locks if viewer encounters error during load
- 0003546: [Product browser] Access violation in poduct browser
- 0003582: [Test fixture] Board should not "unflip" after delete or move press point
- 0003572: [Test fixture] Can't place top fixture press pins outside of bottom fixture
- 0003556: [Test fixture] Moving the press point (green arrows) should not move the board
- 0003564: [Test fixture] Horizontal line of test point annotations offset in annotation layer
Build (22-11-2016)
New functionality:
- 0003521: [Product browser] Subcategories for OTS products
- 0003544: [Import] Warn if custom build has prepreg thickness larger than 0.5 mm
- 0003539: [Order] Add shipping/handling fee if total order is less than minimum
- 0003540: [Order] Access violation after placing order
- 0003524: [Other] Blank pages in manual
- 0003527: [Stencil] Pressing A key causes stencil module to fail
- 0003492: [Stencil] Problem splitting an openiing
- 0003542: [Test fixture] Several small bugs in test fixture creator
- 0003522: [Test fixture] Top fixture contour does not surround the slider holes

Build (27-10-2016)
New functionality:
- 0003516: [Test fixture] Should be possible to flip board before making fixture
- 0003515: [Order] OTS orders show in recent orders but not active orders folder

Build (19-10-2016)
- 0003512: [Panelization] Panelized product not visible in viewer

Build (18-10-2016)
New functionality:
- 0003508: [Test fixture] Should be possible to add support pins to bottom fixture
- 0003507: [Test fixture] Should be possible to add annotation to fixture
- 0003504: [Test fixture] Choose fixture size and side when opening fixture module
- 0003495: [Test fixture] Update materials for test fixture
- 0003505: [Import] Set minimum allowed total thickness for free build to 20µm
- 0003506: [Test fixture] Include board layers in published test fixture
- 0003496: [Test fixture] Update Material thickness of test fixtures available in ME
- 0003472: [Test fixture] Make 4 buttons for moving board in fixture
- 0003510: [Import] If excellon drill file has plated slots, the product property doesn't get set
- 0003509: [Import] Adjust/warn soldermask/coverlayer for flex boards
- 0003494: [Import] Zero layer boards gets solder mask color as green as standard
- 0003489: [Order] Access violation when purchasing test jig
- 0003498: [Other] Error in product name of 1410 connector
- 0003493: [Panelization] Wrong route width in panel if non-standard outer tool diameter
- 0003500: [Test fixture] Guide pin count incorrect after deletion
- 0003488: [Test fixture] Test fixture holes should not appear as unplated

Build (13-09-2016)
- 0003481: [Import] Some filetypes ignored by Macaos link filter
- 0003482: [Viewer] Show long text as hint for product name/article/description
- 0003478: [Product browser] Multiple products selected and access violation after publish
- 0003471: [Product browser] Wrong count of product in Shopping list folder
- 0003487: [Test fixture] Sales office can't publish test fixtures
- 0003484: [Test fixture] Test fixture drawing does not draw properly

Build (02-09-2016)
- 0003467: [Test fixture] When generating top test fixture, press hole should be slot
- 0003466: [Import] Empty Gerber level can lead to following features with wrong color polarity
- 0003469: [Price] Price not correctly shown for small stencil or for test fixture
- 0003470: [Product browser] Access violation when removing a product from a folder
- 0003468: [Product browser] Access violation when editing product info

Build (29-08-2016)
- 0003447: [Stencil] Add 200x150 stencil as a global stencil frame
- 0003427: [Import] Est. min features hangs if contour file contains drawing frame
- 0003445: [Panelization] Copper fill checkboxes not set correctly if copper fill is in a script
- 0003444: [Panelization] Clearance from Cu fill to frame objects missing in some cases
- 0003462: [Product browser] Panel drawing not visible in viewer file list for partner product

Build (23-08-2016)
- 0003453: [Import] Wrong warning message when publishing MBB with HASL
- 0003446: [Import] In some ODB++ cases, polygons are not visible
- 0003451: [Product browser] Disallow download of OTS products
- 0003457: [Import] min buried diameter size is not set

Build (16-08-2016)
- 0003443: [Import] Fix text in warning messages before publish
- 0003440: [Middle-tier] Problem report crashes middle-tier server
- 0003442: [Import] Unable to import drill file with comments that begin with # character

Build (04-08-2016)
- 0003433: [Import] Qty buried via depths does not get published
- 0003436: [Panelization] For panels with copper fill, openings are not added for frame objects
- 0003437: [Price] Surface finish cost not correctly calculated in some cases

Build (25-07-2016)
- 0003420: [Panelization] Set tab order logically for all tabs
- 0003418: [Product browser] Warn if closing the program when shopping cart not empty
- 0003428: [Order] Wrong board ordered when stencil published after board in basket
- 0003425: [Panelization] For some contours, too many parts are removed when adding scoring
- 0003416: [Product browser] Product list missing from browser

Build (24-06-2016)
- 0003414: [Import] Wrong text in error message for missing annular ring
- 0003415: [Product browser] Access violation when opening search dialog

Build (21-06-2016)
- 0003411: [Panelization] Copper disappears from boards in panel with copper fill in frame
- 0003412: [Price] It should not be possible to order products where specs have been changed

Build (17-06-2016)
New functionality:
- 0003375: [Product browser] Connector chooser module
- 0003373: [Product browser] Add support for "off-the-shelf" products
- 0003372: [Test fixture] Test fixture creator
- 0003355: [Viewer] Add ability to lock cursor in x or y-directions
- 0002833: [Other] Move Macaos to new PC
- 0003376: [Import] Do not warn when publishing outline macros that exceed 50 vertices
- 0003410: [Product browser] Add icons to folders
- 0003364: [Product browser] Add stackup number column
- 0003378: [Viewer] Adjust default visible layers for 0-1 layer boards
- 0003409: [Import] Should not ask about leading/trailing zeros in drill file if specified in header
- 0003401: [Import] ODB++ incorrectly imports polygons embedded in polygons
- 0003400: [Import] Ctrl+R does not rotate batch number as expected
- 0003392: [Import] ODB++ Polygon cutouts do not display properly
- 0003391: [Import] Oval shapes are shown elliptical
- 0003387: [Import] ODB++ import creates too many dark/clear levels
- 0003386: [Import] Convert segments to arcs gives incorrect result with slowly varying radius
- 0003371: [Import] Program hangs when reading Orcad PnP file with comma in comp descr
- 0003357: [Import] Navigation icons hidden when autolink is off
- 0003349: [Import] ODB++ blind via file linked wrong and not possible to relink
- 0003366: [Panelization] Breakout tabs disappear from panel
- 0003377: [Product browser] Access violation when deleting product
- 0003363: [Product browser] Global products are not moved to wastebasket
- 0003405: [Stencil] Errror in mirroring bottom data when loading from files
- 0003406: [Stencil] If you have manually selected possible/panel fiducials as fiducials you will be warned about it anyway

Build (31-03-2016)
- 0003331: [Product browser] Automatically refresh product list if product info has changed
- 0003337: [Viewer] Show flex cover layer when choosing top/bottom side view
- 0003347: [Viewer] Show exact coordinate values when press 'x' to snap to nearest feature
- 0003336: [Import] On relink of solder mask files to cover layer, board specs are lost
- 0003345: [Import] Invalid float operation when changing tabs
- 0003333: [Import] Access violation when publishing ODB++ product
- 0003346: [Product browser] Board size shows incorrect in some cases
- 0003341: [Product browser] Unable to find just published product in Never Ordered folder
- 0003334: [Viewer] Panelization info can not be downloaded by user

Build (15-03-2016)
- 0003326: [Import] Going to Stats tab without outer contour gives Index out of bounds error
- 0003324: [Import] Track routs not created correctly
- 0003323: [Import] Published board size is not correct: rounded to nearest integer value
- 0003322: [Import] ID&Options tab: Tool button does not work as expected
- 0003325: [Order] SQL error when placing Non-UL order
- 0003330: [Product browser] Clicking rapidly between products gives access violation
- 0003329: [Product browser] Changing tab without selected product causes error

Build (14-03-2016)
New functionality:
- 0003290: [Assembly Data] User-definable format for export of PnP data
- 0003283: [Assembly Data] More simplified workflow
- 0003282: [Assembly Data] Combine BOM info into PnP data on export
- 0003235: [Assembly Data] Various improvements for BOM processing
- 0003298: [Import] It should be possible to align PnP layers independently of each other
- 0003274: [Import] Beveled edge specification
- 0003265: [Import] Parse PnP files from Expedition
- 0003256: [Import] Add support for additional product specifications and statistics
- 0003196: [Import] Allow 180 and 270 rotation of manuf ident mark
- 0002267: [Import] Add "flex" as a Board type in Custom Stackup
- 0001867: [Import] Stackup viewer/pdf. Add view/selection of cores and prepreg
- 0003111: [Other] Add links from help menu to Macaos video userguides
- 0003198: [Panelization] Add functionality for adding remarks in panel module
- 0003195: [Panelization] Allow legend text to be placed within boards in panel
- 0003219: [Price] It should be possible to get prices for panels by qty boards
- 0003304: [Product browser] Add drill tool list to product info display
- 0003240: [Product browser] Display share details for shared products
- 0003238: [Product browser] Add possibility to delete a product share
- 0003237: [Product browser] Allow specifying interval for "recent" folders
- 0003167: [Product browser] Should be possible to make variant of stencil product
- 0002896: [Product browser] Menu-driven editing of product shares
- 0003315: [Stencil] Check if reduced paste data and original paste data vary in size
- 0003207: [Stencil] Add ability to edit/split rotated shapes
- 0002911: [Stencil] Ability to transfer objects from any layer to paste mask
- 0003248: [Stencil] When showing possible fiducials add option to set as fiducials
- 0003001: [Viewer] Press D to highlight min tracks or A to highlight min annular rings
- 0003281: [Assembly Data] RFQ: clearly identify the source of the two email addresses
- 0003241: [Assembly Data] When importing Pnp file show file name when asking for side
- 0003303: [Import] Selecting contour give many similar warnings
- 0003321: [Import] Set checkboxes and board type according to selected layers/features
- 0003285: [Import] Change thickness for 1080 prepreg to 70um
- 0003272: [Import] Warn for flex/rigid-flex boards in combination with HASL
- 0003257: [Import] Highlight specs and stats that can affect price or manufacturability
- 0003232: [Import] Add checks for MBB
- 0003213: [Import] Allow import of products with tracks/iso below 100um
- 0003189: [Import] Allow larger error margin when detecting too large contour cutter diameter
- 0003142: [Import] Selecting contour. Adjust popup when tool size should be changed
- 0003129: [Import] Inner layer menus don't automatically expand with autolinked high layer count
- 0003125: [Import] When linking/unlinking SM/notation layers, colors should be set appropriately
- 0003065: [Import] Stackup definitions should refer to IPC-4101 (no revision letter)
- 0003308: [Other] Make hyperlinks of URLs in What's New panel of update wizard
- 0003309: [Panelization] Add board thickness to panel report
- 0003233: [Panelization] For MBB, mousebite holes should use larger hole size by default
- 0003030: [Price] Add support for ENEPIG in the price engine
- 0002067: [Price] Do something with prices for small cutter diameter in customer panels
- 0003317: [Product browser] recent orders on global products should check who placed the order
- 0003239: [Product browser] Ctrl-click on cell in product list to copy cell contents to clipboard
- 0003045: [Product browser] Exclude from Never Ordered 1-board products purchased in panel
- 0003320: [Stencil] Stencil side indicators were placed randomly
- 0003316: [Stencil] It is not possible to undo after having deleted objects from a paste layer
- 0003160: [Stencil] "Copper as reference"
- 0003301: [Assembly Data] After saving a product in ADM, product in browser should be updated
- 0003205: [Assembly Data] Do not show EMS provider list when pro version views existing RFQ
- 0003204: [Assembly Data] Submit RFQ button should not be bottom-anchored
- 0003318: [Import] Problems with ODB++
- 0003266: [Import] Hard to see drill layers
- 0003264: [Import] Cannot export ODB++ with rotated rounded rectangles to Gerber
- 0003262: [Import] ODB++ v8 file does not scale properly
- 0003218: [Import] Ignore undefinded unused d-codes
- 0003136: [Import] Use largest pad to find annular when multiple pads are colocated
- 0003260: [Object Structure] Round inner contour disappears after publish
- 0003267: [Other] Options setup needs to be updated to match new options
- 0003086: [Other] Unable to get new password.
- 0003313: [Panelization] Add assembly masks fails with an assertion error
- 0003295: [Panelization] Product Id popup when publish changes
- 0003294: [Panelization] Wrong stackup name in published panel
- 0003284: [Panelization] Pnp fiducial position is wrong when making changes to boards in x/y
- 0003249: [Price] Disallow user to input text in the price grid in the quotation dialog
- 0003244: [Price] Delivery date does not match number of days after Order date
- 0003234: [Product browser] On download all data files, be sure all product specs are up to date
- 0003210: [Product browser] Shipped orders-folder contains unshipped order
- 0003252: [Stencil] Wrong reference pad is found when reducing some pads
- 0003209: [Stencil] On select stencil outline from data, objects overlapping data gets deleted
- 0003202: [User manager] When editing user address, the post info got lost
- 0003297: [Viewer] Thermal apertures incorrectly affect display of nearby objects

Build (16-11-2015)
- 0003188: [Import] Access violation when linking previously viewed but unlinked files

Build (12-11-2015)
- 0003180: [Import] Access violation when opening zip file with Elprint contour Gerber file

Build (10-11-2015)
- 0003150: [Import] Lines to arc function fails on non polygon Slot items
- 0003159: [Other] When logging in and the use has no access rights show a message
- 0003134: [Panelization] Panel with corner tabs and zero frame with on one ore more sides may result in some parts of the route missing
- 0003112: [Panelization] Boards overlapping after flip or rotate
- 0003168: [Partner manager] Should not be possible to create partnership with existing partner
- 0003149: [Partner manager] getting Error when searching for Partner
- 0003158: [Stencil] UpdateProduct doesn't work with stencil frames
- 0003166: [Viewer] Should not accept layers with same layer id as those already in layerlist

Build (17-08-2015)
- 0003102: [General] Compatible with extended product type IDs

Build (30-06-2015)
- 0003050: [Panelization] Remove copper fill around fiducials on inner layers
- 0003073: [Import] ODB++ files with chamfered corner rectangle pads can't publish
- 0003084: [Order] Order confirmation may show wrong payment terms
- 0003085: [Price] Delivery date might be wrong if order placed during weekend
- 0003080: [Product browser] Confirm to accept costs before downloading production data
- 0003067: [Product browser] SQL error when deleting product from all folders
- 0003081: [Stencil] Splitting of pads causes access violation
- 0003074: [Viewer] Rectangle pads with chamfered corners are shown with rounded corners
- 0003061: [Other] Restricted users can still log in to Macaos in some cases
- 0003059: [Other] Canceling the login gives 2 error messages

Build (30-04-2015)
New functionality:
- 0003052: [Panelization] Allow fiducial to be placed relative to boards in panel
- 0003049: [Assembly Data] Input BOM column type guess should not override column header text
- 0003042: [Panelization] Add Remove all option to all Remove-buttons
- 0003041: [Panelization] Script manager: Change default settings to fiducial objects
- 0003040: [Panelization] Allow larger offset on breakoff tabs
- 0003053: [Panelization] The registration control coupon sometimes moves to outside of panel
- 0003039: [Product browser] Mouse scroll in product history listes does not work
- 0003047: [Viewer] Error at product view
- 0003046: [Viewer] Padstack report is not enabled for frame objects in a panel
- 0003044: [Viewer] Product view on product 185248 gives an error

Build (14-04-2015)
- 0003043: [Viewer] Slots created in import module disappear from product

Build (13-04-2015)
- 0003038: [Browser] Access violation when opening Assembly Data Manager
- 0003037: [Browser] PnP component rotations incorrect in panel with rotated boards
- 0003028: [Import] Drill file with D7x in header not recognized as drill file
- 0003026: [Import] Lines to arc conversion fails
- 0003022: [Import] Automatic contour claims to create contour without doing so
- 0002937: [Other] Stackup drawing does not handle double-plated buried vias well
- 0003029: [Panelization] Problem with scoring in multiple product panel

Build (26-02-2015)
- 0003018: [Import] Number of copper layers reverts to wrong even after setting desired value
- 0003017: [Import] Remark layer disappears
- 0003019: [Panelization] Panelizing a board without any holes gives incorrect minimum hole
- 0003016: [Panelization] Chamfered corners interfere with boards on panel
- 0003014: [Stencil] Rotated rectangles not drawn nicely when zoomed out

Build (18-02-2015)
- 0003012: [Import] Parsing of gerber files containing polygons in multi quadrant mode will in some cases fail
- 0003015: [Stencil] Reduction for bottom side fails when changing reduction or doing selective reduction

Build (16-02-2015)
- 0003003: [Assembly Data] Add Macaos part number and description columns rather than overwriting original values
- 0003006: [Price] Highlight holidays that affect shipment date
- 0002993: [Price] Automatically set order options if specified in product comment
- 0002987: [Import] Size of inner cutters is set in conflict with Macaos convention
- 0002979: [Import] Comment text causes drill tool sizes to be read as mm instead of inch
- 0002978: [Import] Problem with contour with thousands of segments
- 0002990: [Panelization] Do not show solder mask between boards when Manufacture as individual boards is selected
- 0002989: [Product browser] Do not allow adding masks to product which has been previously ordered
- 0003007: [Stencil] Various small bugs when selecting licensed frames
- 0002998: [Stencil] Splitting large drawn opening causes resulting pad array to be offset

Build (22-12-2014)
New functionality:
- 0002971: [Assembly Data] Mark components as Do Not Install
- 0002741: [Stencil] Define initial settings for stencil creator
- 0002972: [Viewer] Show objects as outline/centerline
- 0002968: [Assembly Data] Add parser for pick and place files from Orcad and Supermax E-CAD
- 0002969: [Import] Add search functionality to View file as text dialog box
- 0002966: [Import] Improved detection of outer/inner contours with tool too large for contour
- 0002944: [Import] Parse drill file coordinate format from METRIC/INCH command, if given
- 0002942: [Price] Support for very large quantities (up to 999M)
- 0002973: [Viewer] Change shortcut keys for viewing copper layers
- 0002967: [Assembly Data] Some Allegro and Cadstar pick and place files are not recognized properly
- 0002970: [Import] Material description missing when reusing custom stackup
- 0002959: [Import] Problems with ODB++
- 0002933: [Import] When adding marks on notation layer, be sure that the the gerber set is dark/positive
- 0002931: [Import] Ground plane missing from ODB++ job on publish
- 0002940: [Order] Quotation windows jumps behind main window
- 0002960: [Product browser] Dialog does not scale properly to user font size
- 0002958: [Product browser] Invalid surface finishes are visible in Make Variant of Product
- 0002950: [Stencil] Adjustment with original stencil as reference, loses corner rounding
- 0002934: [Stencil] Not able to import stencil scripts
- 0002932: [Stencil] Script manager: Auto horz/vert does not change the caption of x/y offset spin edit

Build (20-10-2014)
- 0002921: [Import] Show drill tool list for ODB++ jobs
- 0002919: [Import] Add support for PNP file from Protel
- 0002918: [Import] Force cutter diameter to 1.0, 1.6, 2.0 or 2.4 for outer contour
- 0002910: [Import] Add support for PNP file from Allegro
- 0002913: [Price] Price should not be generated if product has plugged/filled/capped vias
- 0002927: [Import] Minimum annular ring calculated incorrectly for some complex aperture macro pads
- 0002926: [Import] Ring aperture gets drawn in wrong sequence after initial display
- 0002920: [Import] Incorrect minimum hole for ODB++ file
- 0002917: [Import] Incorrect rotation of mirrored pads
- 0002912: [Import] During UL-mark placement. If right-clicking, UL-mark should not be placed
- 0002924: [Panelization] Tabs covering multiple small segments may come out too small or not at all
- 0002923: [Panelization] Tabs placed on arc segments gets wrong orientation after rotation of instance
- 0002922: [Product browser] Incorrect minimum hole in Layout Documentation for ODB++ job

Build (24-09-2014)
- 0002900: [Stencil] Add PnP, notation and soldermaks files to paste products
- 0002907: [Import] Error publishing product with scoring
- 0002904: [Panelization] Settings menu is missing

Build (11-09-2014)
- 0002895: [Assembly Data] Add context menu to activate all components
- 0002899: [Viewer] Show long filenames as hint in viewer file list
- 0002884: [Assembly Data] Default date for RFQ should be current date
- 0002898: [Panelization] Wrong ep-nummer in layer filenames for multipanels
- 0002897: [Panelization] File names does not change as they should when boards is flipped
- 0002893: [Panelization] Qotation module not accessible in panel module
- 0002894: [Product browser] Owner can not see product shares to partners if they are time limited
- 0002834: [Product browser] Paste and contour files show in file list first time, but not later
- 0002892: [Stencil] Height/width texts for obround shapes edit must be exchanged
- 0002891: [Stencil] Scripts created after publish, do not perform global adjustment
- 0002890: [Stencil] Zoom to fit when data placed in individual positions doesn't work in for fiducials in all cases
- 0002889: [Stencil] Selecting similar openings as fiducials, does not show selected when asking for confirmation
- 0002888: [Viewer] Step thicknesses (etch) is not shown in product viewer

Build (08-09-2014)
- 0002883: [Assembly Data] Do not reset visible layers when updating PnP view
- 0002882: [Quote] Show 3 decimals for panel/unit/dm² price
- 0002879: [Assembly Data] Pro user cannot view received RFQ for Assembly
- 0002878: [Assembly Data] Unable to process BOM after pasting data from spreadsheet
- 0002877: [Assembly Data] BOM parser should not find "0." value for valueless components
- 0002875: [Import] Autocontour does not check slot width when creating inner contours
- 0002873: [Product browser] Stiffener and cover layers are not included in layout documentation
- 0002854: [Panelization] Incorrect min hole diameter if no mousebite holes in a panel

Build (26-08-2014)
- 0002821: [Panelization] When publishing multi-product panel, comments from only one of products are included
- 0002849: [Partner manager] Access violation on program start if there are partnership requests
- 0002830: [Viewer] Error loading panelized Pick and Place data in some cases
- 0002772: [Viewer] Inner contour compensation incorrect in some cases.

Build (21-08-2014)
- 0002845: [Import] Update Gerber reader/writer to Gerber revision J3
- 0002841: [Price] Strange text formatting in address chooser information box
- 0002844: [Product browser] When deleteing a product, the item should be deleted and viewer/info cleared
- 0002826: [Product browser] Open Stencil module maximized
- 0002847: [Stencil] Show frame id as a hint text in the frame list
- 0002836: [Stencil] Remove "Article Number" if the product has no article number
- 0002842: [Panelization] Graphical error when displaying corner tabs on sides with zero frame width
- 0002835: [Panelization] Moving rectangle is not displayed when placing registration controll coupon
- 0002830: [Panelization] Pick and Place data is not correctly panelized in some cases
- 0002839: [Stencil] It is not possible to exit SelectSplit mode
- 0002838: [Stencil] Auto Zooming does not work properly when top and bottom not in same position
- 0002843: [User manager] Various small issues

Build (23-07-2014)
- 0002816: [Assembly Data] After having selected pad and created a component, the view should not zoom to fit
- 0002819: [Import] Anchor UL rectangle corner at click point
- 0002818: [Import] Make it possible to not show the Edit title block contents window after publish
- 0002822: [Panelization] Make it possible to not show the Edit title block contents window after publish.
- 0002815: [Panelization] Add fiducials to PnP data, if exists
- 0002813: [Panelization] Show tooling hole diameters in panel drawing
- 0002817: [Import] Manuf ID text on bottom is not shown properly relative to rectangle
- 0002827: [Panelization] Delete old xyr files from product when publishing panel with PnP data
- 0002831: [Product browser] Should not ask to move newly published product if no product imported
- 0002825: [Stencil] Fame Manager: It is not possible to delete frames
- 0002823: [Stencil] Show possible fiducials does not work corretly
- 0002820: [Stencil] Running old scripts causes Integer error
- 0002711: [Stencil] Selection of objects should not be based on boundbox

Build (17-07-2014)
New functionality:
- 0002777: [Assembly Data] BOM Processor module
- 0002677: [Assembly Data] Allow graphical comments on published products
- 0001888: [Assembly Data] Checklist for Assembly RFQ
- 0001855: [Assembly Data] PnP data management module
- 0002780: [Import] Add support for latest version of Extended Gerber with File and Aperture Attributes
- 0002776: [Import] Add support for more than 20 inner layers
- 0002737: [Import] Make option for disabling estimation of minimum feature sizes
- 0002496: [Panelization] Add table listing shape/size of fiducials and bad marks to panel drawing
- 0002743: [Panelization] Add count column and filter to Product Chooser
- 0002642: [Panelization] Add placement of tabs by lines
- 0002767: [Panelization] Show step distances in panel drawing
- 0002740: [Stencil] Position stencil data with reference to frame edge
- 0002739: [Stencil] Create stencil script after publishing stencil
- 0002719: [Stencil] Add possibility to change shapes
- 0002794: [Import] Parse pick and place files from Cadstar
- 0002760: [Import] Add warning of drill tools with zero size
- 0002764: [Import] UL Mark box should map to valid coupon size
- 0002811: [Panelization] It should not be possible to save a script with the same name as an existing script
- 0002803: [Panelization] Increase copper fill clearance default size for square or cross fiducial marks
- 0002802: [Panelization] When making a multi-product panel (deliver as boards) disable and un-uncheck copper fill
- 0002722: [Panelization] Documentation layers should not be clipped at board edges when panelizing
- 0002812: [Stencil] It should not be possible to save a script with the same name as an existing script
- 0002804: [Stencil] Update Stencil Script Manager to handle new positioning methods
- 0002788: [Stencil] It should be possible to specify corner radius when splitting an opening to an array
- 0002762: [Stencil] Identify rotated rectangular shapes to enable corner rounding and splitting
- 0002757: [Stencil] Mirror bottom stencil data on import
- 0002724: [Stencil] Enlarge frame text width
- 0002809: [Import] Multi-quadrant arcs from ODB++ do not export properly to Gerber
- 0002808: [Import] Full circle arcs in ODB++ files disappear
- 0002807: [Import] Ignore unused shapes when estimating min track/clearance
- 0002798: [Import] Board contents hidden after importing old MOS file
- 0002779: [Import] Custom stackup is not recovered when opening .mei file
- 0002752: [Import] Excellon rout arcs get wrong center point
- 0002766: [Import] List index out of bounds error on ODB++ file
- 0001738: [Import] Parameter macro aperture causes range check error
- 0002797: [Other] Cannot close window (modal dialog hidden behind window)
- 0002772: [Other] Inner contour compensation and sharp corners
- 0002748: [Panelization] Multi-product panel has wrong blind tool count
- 0002751: [Price] Copper thickness not shown in quotation for 1021 stackup
- 0002703: [Product browser] Renaming product may cause access violation
- 0002786: [Stencil] Bottom side holes/contour are not shown if top side layers are visible
- 0002778: [Stencil] Drawn pad converted to wrong shape when opened in Stencil
- 0002761: [Stencil] Check that fiducial d-codes are correct when publish
- 0002756: [Stencil] Various small bugs in d-codes for adding frames
- 0002723: [Stencil] When creating new frames, d-codes for frame text are duplicated
- 0002720: [Stencil] Shape splitter does not work with rotated shapes
- 0002713: [Stencil] Check that Select mode is not pre-set false
- 0002712: [Stencil] In Etch, when removing layers auto-select remove thickness if only one thickness is present