Macaos Enterprise 3.x

Build (10-04-2014)
New functionality:
- 0002696: [Import] Change color on Drill llayer
- 0002715: [Import] When outer contour is selected, zoom up left should zoom to board outline
- 0002746: [Panelization] Remove copper fill under annotation field in solder mask
- 0002692: [Product browser] Move published products to selected folder
- 0002709: [Other] In panel drawings, make the outline and measurement guides different width
- 0002689: [Import] When placing UL mark, the help text at the bottom, say: Place lead-free symbol
- 0002742: [Import] Import link filters link paste to kapton
- 0002700: [Product browser] Viewer fails to re-load product
- 0001725: [Viewer] shortcuts for layer showing
- 0002640: [Viewer] Show Cover layers negative as solder mask

Build (01-04-2014)
New functionality:
- 0002705: [Panelization] Kapton Tape should be a layer that may be specified in Add Masks
- 0002697: [User manager] New features: Disable multiple users, hide disabled users, add multiple users
- 0002725: [Import] Add support for Round Thermal Rounded in ODB++ parser
- 0002704: [Product browser] Remark layer should be included in PDF Documentation set
- 0002698: [User manager] In Create User, make certain fields required and prevent creation if info is missing
- 0002701: [User manager] Change the Update button to Save button
- 0002693: [Import] Align drills fails after selecting multiple pads
- 0002702: [Import] Request support from Macaos engr fails in some cases
- 0002706: [Import] Via plugging: Menu item is missing and text disappears when going to another tab
- 0002699: [Panelization] Copper fill dots on inner layers may occur inside contour on boards with arcs in contour

Build (19-02-2014)
New functionality:
- 0002672: [Import] Add method to fix Pick&Place offset if Gerber and PnP files do not have the same origin
- 0002669: [User manager] Disable user manager popup menu items when invalid
- 0002673: [Import] It is not possible to assign a pick&place file in import filter
- 0002674: [Import] Zooming by mouse wheel does not always retain zoom point
- 0002675: [Panelization] Zooming by mouse wheel does not always retain zoom point
- 0002678: [Panelization] Removal of frame objects can cause layers to be deleted
- 0002670: [Product browser] Assertion failure when trying to open manufacturer certificates in production history
- 0002676: [Product browser] Zooming by mouse wheel does not retain zoom point

Build (06-02-2014)
- 0002657: [Import] Improved warning when min feature prevents publish
- 0002619: [Import] Round-off error on minimum track/clearance prevents publish
- 0002662: [Import] Various issues with selecting track routing
- 0002664: [Import] Placement of marks must be disabled when board is rotated
- 0002637: [Panelization] In some cases copper fill on innerlayers places pad inside the board contour
- 0002638: [Panelization] In some cases some layers are missing from panelized products
- 0002641: [Panelization] If place tabs is pressed and you zoom (by right mouse click) place tabs mode is abandoned
- 0002643: [Panelization] Shared for Quote warning text is partly hidden from view
- 0002644: [Panelization] Cannot get price on panelized product shared for quote only
- 0002659: [Panelization] Floating rectangle for text/barcode/datamatrix is incorrect if the view is rotated
- 0002660: [Panelization] When entering text for barcode or text, the view rotates/mirrors when "r" or "m" is pressed
- 0002646: [Product browser] Products in wastebasket are shown in the recently published folder
- 0002624: [Stencil] Dcodes of exported paste files are out of range in some cases
- 0002654: [Stencil] Select subtract deletes objects instead of de-selecting them
- 0002663: [Stencil] Wheel scroll does not work
- 0002658: [Viewer] View top and View bottom menu doesn't select the appropriate layers in Stencil module

Build (17-12-2013)
- 0002611: [Viewer] Ctrl+Alt+Click on hole to open padstack viewer
- 0002617: [Import] Problem interpreting Gerber as drill file without line break between %FS and %MO lines
- 0002618: [Import] Problem parsing Gerber file with implicit NOR01 aperture table
- 0002616: [Stencil] Index error in optimizaton gave false result when reducing pads

Build (13-12-2013)
- 0002599: [Viewer] Allow toggle between normal and cross-hair cursor
- 0002612: [Panelization] Some layers may come out empty after publish from the panelization module
- 0002609: [Panelization] Flipping a rotated board causes break-off tabs in wrong position
- 0002608: [Panelization] Cannot publish panel with flipped board

Build (11-12-2013)
- 0002605: [Import] Support import of ODB++ file with empty profile
- 0002600: [Panelization] Reduce dot diameter and spacing on inner layer copper fill
- 0002607: [Viewer] Allow rotate view to rotate 0/90/180/360 degrees
- 0002606: [Viewer] Add vertical scroll bar to help tab in layer list
- 0002602: [Panelization] Copper top layer not visible when publishing panel with copper fill
- 0002598: [Panelization] Cannot place test coupon on panel in certain cases
- 0002604: [Order] Contact person who placed order is not saved with order

Build (06-12-2013)
New functionality:
- 0002578: [Import] Add text to board
- 0002576: [Import] View segment endpoints when selecting contour segments
- 0002512: [Import] Add lead-free marking in accordance with J-STD-609A
- 0002081: [Import] Manage/view hpgl files
- 0002047: [Import] Add possibility to select which holes must be plugged and which IPC method to use
- 0001975: [Import] Import ODB++ files
- 0001974: [Import] Draw contour segments graphically
- 0001944: [Import] Assign via plugging from drill tool list
- 0001179: [Import] Place remarks graphically on board
- 0000307: [Import] Auto-estimation of tolerances
- 0002575: [Panelization] Add posibility to enter the size off the opening in copper fill for fiducials
- 0002573: [Panelization] Allow removing vcut from specific edges of panel frame
- 0002119: [Panelization] Possibliity to flip boards upside-down in panel
- 0002549: [Stencil] Make it possible to select etch features from other layers than paste for Region by oversize
- 0002559: [Product browser] Add recently published folder
- 0002489: [Viewer] For multi-product panels, show Product number layer
- 0002242: [Viewer] Make screendump from Viewer directly
- 0002190: [Viewer] Mirror and/or rotate view
- 0002349: [Other] Allow filtering av order history by product
- 0001145: [Other] Possibility for product designer to upload certification
- 0002569: [Import] It should be possible to click on a drill hole to view its stackup report
- 0002200: [Import] Make it possible to type in exact numbers for min track/space
- 0002574: [Panelization] Enlarge track/spacing in test coupon if copper thickness more than 45um
- 0001926: [Panelization] Cu fill for inner layers should be done with dots, not solid
- 0002597: [Stencil] Change position of top/bottom when both are on the same stencil
- 0002580: [Stencil] In the help text, write the number of selected elements after each selection
- 0002579: [Other] If there are multiple login identities, preselect most recently used identity
- 0002572: [Import] Do not automatically adjust meas. unit in drill file if specified in file
- 0002571: [Import] Not all files get re-linked when opening .mei file
- 0002570: [Import] Cannot change filetype from Text to Gerber
- 0002552: [Panelization] Multi-product panel does not always get correct minimum feature sizes
- 0002588: [Stencil] Bug in splitting objects
- 0002563: [Stencil] Pad size calculations are wrong for large pad sizes
- 0002553: [Stencil] Cannot create split opening when there are holes in pad
- 0002366: [Stencil] Fiducials are selected multiple times if select add is chosen
- 0002292: [Stencil] Stencil does not load frames if server connection has been missing
- 0002591: [Product browser] Product browser looks up two products after publishing stencil
- 0002577: [Product browser] Annular ring is incorrect when creating product variant
- 0002595: [Order] The cancel button on the Commit order form shows unnecessary messages
- 0002555: [Viewer] Drill sizes missing from very old products
- 0002554: [Viewer] Buried via layers not shown as drill layers
- 0002592: [Other] Stackup drawing does not scale properly if stackup >4mm thick

Build (21-10-2013)
- 0002547: [Product browser] Add column separator lines to contents page of layout documentation set
- 0002545: [Product browser] Include number of layers in product info of layout documentation set
- 0002548: [Stencil] Some items in the file menu are not linked to the correct functions
- 0002542: [Stencil] Unable to publish stencil
- 0002541: [Stencil] File|Publish opens the User Guide

Build (27-09-2013)
- 0002516: [Import] Cannot add symbols to non-existing legend layer
- 0002517: [Import] Check for existence of layer before setting default layer for UL mark
- 0002508: [Viewer] Space key causes access violation

Build (26-09-2013)
New functionality:
- 0001975: [Import] Import ODB++ files (beta testing of functionality)
- 0002491: [Import] It's not possible to select blind/buried vias from the drill-file layer selection popup
- 0002492: [Import] If a notation layer is present, marks and symbols should have notation layer pre-selected
- 0002508: [Import] Not able to import design in to macaos
- 0002408: [Stencil] Threaded optimization
- 0002502: [Other] Should be more space between vias in stackup drawing

Build (30-08-2013)
New functionality:
- 0002470: [Import] Expand Perfag-10 aperture table to include thermal and donut pads
- 0002463: [Import] Incorrect file linking with very short common name
- 0002471: [Panelization] Tab has incorrect rotation if scoring enabled
- 0002469: [Viewer] Inner contour opening is slightly too large

Build (22-08-2013)
- 0002460: [Import] Should be possible to delete Product/Batch No without entering Place Product/Batch No mode
- 0002459: [Import] Inner layer file missing after publish
- 0002455: [Import] Cannot publish board with empty soldermask file

Build (16-08-2013)
- 0002429: [Import] Some objects are offset in gerber file with incremental coordinates
- 0002435: [Panelization] On 188742 (org files) top scoring lines went 2.4 mm outside the panel frame
- 0002431: [Panelization] Datamatrix on copper layers not deleted when removing test coupons
- 0002361: [Panelization] Test coupon should be placed on available frame edge without conflicts
- 0002445: [Price] Incorrect price breakdown displayed if discount price
- 0002430: [Viewer] Contour is not displayed properly

Build (24-07-2013)
New functionality:
- 0002427: [Panelization] Allow placing registration coupon anywhere on panel frame
- 0002305: [Stencil] Add bug reporting facility to stencil module
- 0002271: [Stencil] Implement auto-generation of stencils
- 0002419: [Import] When log in to import wih no publish rights, give warning
- 0002416: [Import] Each inner contour gets a new D8x assigned, resulting in you can't select more then 9 inner contours
- 0002390: [Import] In import, when selecting an inner contour, it shows as a track routing
- 0002409: [Panelization] Show Edit Titleblock Contents dialog only once on panel publish
- 0002404: [Panelization] In auto panel, when rename script, write the original name in the edit box
- 0002399: [Price] Access violation when clicking on name in list of price lists
- 0002398: [Price] Engineering cost is not constant across delivery times
- 0002397: [Product browser] Blind vias missing from stackup drawing in layout documentation set
- 0002396: [Viewer] Some rout tracks do not show properly in viewer

Build (20-06-2013)
New functionality:
- 0002379: [Import] Allow disabling auto-contour
- 0002362: [Product browser] Add table of contents page to PDF layout documentation file
- 0002387: [Import] Disable minimum features selection for non copper products
- 0002378: [Order] Inactive contact person chosen as person placing order
- 0002370: [Panelization] Slots larger than 6.3 mm in autopanel scripts are shortened to 6.3 mm
- 0002384: [Panelization] Rout is not always cut at the right place when scoring is selected
- 0002385: [Panelization] Problem with tab placement on panels with scoring and rout
- 0002368: [Product browser] Can not log in to macaos due to incorrect share definition
- 0002371: [Product browser] Access violation on refresh
- 0002382: [Viewer] Overlapping or colocated donut apertures do not display correctly in the viewer

Build (06-06-2013)
- 0002364: [Panelization] Break-off tabs missing from panel
- 0002365: [Panelization] Datamatrix pixel size is too small for many mobile phone apps

Build (04-06-2013)
New functionality:
- 0002356: [Import] Add Data Matrix 2-D bar code symbol to board
- 0002357: [Panelization] Add Data Matrix 2-D bar code symbol to panel
- 0002358: [Panelization] Add registration control coupon to panel
- 0002359: [Panelization] Allow rotating board 180 degrees in panel with scoring
- 0002360: [Import] Unplated inner contours do not display properly
- 0002344: [Product browser] Existing custom stackup not shown when creating variant of product
- 0002345: [Product browser] It should not be possible to set a product in order "on hold"
- 0002347: [Product browser] Filter product list keyword does not work every time

Build (27-05-2013)
New functionality:
- 0002341: [Product browser] Add mix panel drawing with product number to QA documents if product was on mix
- 0002331: [Product browser] Allow access to paste data if pcb shared for quote
- 0002311: [Import] Aperture table dialog should check parsed aperture table after changes
- 0002309: [Import] Arc converted to straight line during auto-contour
- 0002308: [Panelization] Annotation field always gets the default location and size when defined in scripts
- 0002290: [Panelization] Frame objects should follow frame edges if frame width, instance count or spacing are changed
- 0002312: [Product browser] boardspecs.txt and StackupDrawing.pdf should be updated when downloading file
- 0002302: [Product browser] Make variant of product refuses to save data
- 0002335: [Stencil] Selection mode buttons are not set correctly after jumping between panels
- 0002304: [Stencil] Incorrect calculations in split stencil opening
- 0002313: [Other] Material description does not show in PDF drawing for stackup with aluminum

Build (16-04-2013)
- 0002301: [Import] Save to local disk does not work
- 0002279: [Panelization] Frame objects should follow frame edges if copper fill or scoring are changed
- 0002262: [Panelization] Scratch for copper layers if copper filling and scoring extends the board outline
- 0002300: [Viewer] Access violation occurs if a D code that is not defined in the header is referenced

Build (10-04-2013)
New functionality:
- 0002280: [Import] Add Stiffener to Additional layers
- 0002291: [Stencil] Add info about areas of original and resulting patterns when splitting features
- 0002286: [Import] Scoring or track routing incorrect if more than one segment selected
- 0002274: [Import] Import of product specs should ignore boards/panel and products/panel counts
- 0002290: [Panelization] Frame objects should follow frame edges if frame width or instance count or spacing are changed
- 0002275: [Panelization] Increase solder mask clearance around bad marks on copper
- 0002273: [Panelization] Create new script frame object should use parameters of selected object
- 0002287: [Price] Estimated weight not calculated for aluminum stackups
- 0002277: [Price] Start costs do not display properly
- 0002288: [Product browser] User files do not get saved in product cache
- 0002270: [Product browser] Tools|Clear cache should also refresh product list
- 0002269: [Product browser] Product identification does not update without clearing cache and reloading

Build (21-03-2013)
New functionality:
- 0002258: [Import] Import board specifications from existing product
- 0002230: [Import] If outer contour line width >0.6 mm, let user choose between center or inside of track
- 0002222: [Import] Make it possible to add Manuf ID number and marks on non-existing notation layers
- 0002198: [Import] Improved linking by filename and/or readme file
- 0001856: [Import] Store custom stackup material descriptions in databaseb by company
- 0002212: [Panelization] Allow copperfill on multi product panels and panels with rotated boards
- 0002209: [Panelization] Automatically panelize from script
- 0002196: [Panelization] Add option to include break-off tabs in panel drawing
- 0002131: [Panelization] Specify owner when publishing panelized partner product
- 0002268: [Product browser] Import product from Macaos Gallery and publish to repository
- 0002251: [Product browser] Expanded print features
- 0002232: [Product browser] Modify product if not yet purchased
- 0002028: [Product browser] Functionality to temporarily block products from purchase, etc
- 0001095: [Product browser] Option to hide folders
- 0000557: [Product browser] Create variant of product
- 0002192: [Viewer] Snap to endpoint by pressing X
- 0002260: [Other] Menu command to view what's new in this version
- 0002255: [Other] Show user's order history
- 0002229: [Other] Make "pro" panelization, masks and print features available to all users
- 0002249: [Import] Set Most Recently Used Folder after each file load
- 0002231: [Import] Clicking on a text file should show content (rather than needing right-click)
- 0002211: [Import] Round drill tools to nearest 0.05mm rather than nearest 0.10mm
- 0002201: [Import] Add up to 210µ copper thickness in custom stackup
- 0002245: [Panelization] Set copper fill to checked as default
- 0002225: [Panelization] Improve the functionality for deciding whether it is safe for rout to cross scoring lines
- 0002240: [Product browser] Download of paste data should be possible if an order has been made
- 0002029: [Viewer] Improved product data cache
- 0002243: [Other] Consolidate user manual into one pdf file
- 0002248: [Import] Symbols layer is not show after placing Manuf ID mark
- 0002238: [Import] When setting drill depth in drill tab, the linked layer should change in file grid and layer tab
- 0002227: [Import] Conversion from many small segments to arc sometimes fail
- 0002226: [Import] When unlinking drill files, going to another tab will cause error
- 0002208: [Import] When showing top/bottom, check boxes which should not appear, appears
- 0002199: [Import] Improve user interface in case of replace file linking
- 0002237: [Panelization] The panel frame is removed for a multipanel with scoring and no tabs
- 0002210: [Panelization] Assembly mask rectangle has incorrect rotation if one board is rotated
- 0002120: [Panelization] Inner layers are not shown with openings for routing in panel drawing
- 0002244: [Product browser] Should not be possible to delete a product which has been used in an existing panel
- 0002220: [Product browser] Product located by search dialog does not scroll into view
- 0002203: [Product browser] Unable to delete shares
- 0002235: [Stencil] Fiducial d-codes are incorrect in database after publish
- 0002234: [Stencil] In some cases the threaded optimization crashes
- 0001868: [Stencil] Mirroring of some apertures caused illegal gerber output
- 0002241: [Object Structure] Thermals are not drawn properly in PDF document

Build (16-01-2013)
- 0002197: [Product browser] Display of order confirmation fails

Build (14-01-2013)
- 0002194: [Panelization] Strange results when splitting slots by tabs for Gerber output
- 0002189: [Panelization] Panelized pick and place file gets wrong filename on publish
- 0002176: [Panelization] Cannot place frame text on solder mask layer
- 0002187: [Import] Plated inner contour displays incorrectly
- 0002185: [Import] Hide all layers does not always hide negative inner layers

Build (28-12-2012)
- 0002179: [Price] Order options missing when generating RFQ to supplier
- 0002175: [Price] Replace RFQ abbreviation with full text
- 0002178: [Product browser] Add masks button should be between stencil button and buy button
- 0002173: [Viewer] Layer name is missing for Pick&Place layer

Build (17-12-2012)
New functionality:
- 0002168: [Import] New parsers for pick-and-place files from PADS and Altium
- 0002135: [Import] Can not enter number of boards or number of products in panel
- 0002136: [Import] Drill file imported from Sieb&Meyer format 1000 has too many holes
- 0002137: [Panelization] number of drill tools in product info is set to "0" for all panel products
- 0002152: [Price] Unauthorized access error when generating RFQ
- 0002148: [Stencil] Fiducial d-codes are incorrect in db after publish
- 0002154: [Stencil] When loading files, they were not shown in viewer
- 0002156: [Stencil] Product number is not correctly inserted when deleting frame text

Build (20-11-2012)
- 0002134: [Import] Cannot publish product that does not have solder mask layers

Build (19-11-2012)
New functionality:
- 0002093: [Import] Identify Office (text, spreadsheet, etc) files as documents rather than zip files
- 0002092: [Import] Do not round off very small drill tool diameters
- 0002130: [Import] Holes are offset by 214mm on very large board
- 0002118: [Import] Problem parsing Gerber file when polygons are not separated by G37/G36
- 0002098: [Import] Disabled filters incorrectly shown as enabled in link filter dialog box
- 0002124: [Panelization] Copper fill not removed from around scoring lines
- 0002123: [Panelization] Not possible to select instance spacing less than 2.4 in Panelization options in the tools menu
- 0002110: [Panelization] Changing fiducial shape for copper does not show selected shape
- 0002101: [Product browser] Cache not updated after adding file to product
- 0002082: [Stencil] Reduction of previously reduced features in same location fails (+ fiducials)

Build (15-10-2012)
New functionality:
- 0002089: [Import] Warn if tool size is larger than arc radius in inner or outer contour
- 0001761: [Import] Identify chains with overlapping segments as closed polygons where possible
- 0002015: [Order] Check box to accept sales terms when ordering
- 0002003: [Panelization] Confirm before closing module if panel has not been published
- 0002084: [Panelization] Chamfered corners on panel frame
- 0002085: [Panelization] Allow tooling slots in panel frame
- 0001696: [Stencil] Add possibility to mark data as text
- 0002046: [Stencil] Add new ways of defining stencil etch areas
- 0002072: [Stencil] Add possibility to choose reduction using copper or original stencil as reference
- 0002083: [Stencil] Generate fiducials from copper layer data
- 0001956: [Import] Use largest polygon if contour polygon is self-intersecting
- 0001963: [Import] Import of .rar files, gives board name as all filenames concatenated
- 0001988: [Import] Non-plated drill file listed as plated in drill file list
- 0002008: [Import] Autolink doesn't work after update
- 0002018: [Import] Error in assigning layers. Import of single sided, cu top
- 0002024: [Import] Gerber parser fails on arc-to-line replacement in polygon
- 0002035: [Import] All drill files (through hole) should be set visible after auto link
- 0002062: [Import] SolderMask display error
- 0002074: [Import] Memory leak when opening Macaos zip file
- 0002078: [Import] Segments that are converted to arcs have wrong radius after publish
- 0002059: [Order] Order confirmation should show unit price per board if single-product panel
- 0002014: [Order] Fix URL for sales terms in order confirmation
- 0002075: [Order] In Commit Order the "Order Placed by" dropdown includes inactive contact persons
- 0002076: [Order] In Commit Order, you can't press cancel unless a contact person has been selected
- 0002033: [Other] Script error loading web page
- 0002026: [Product browser] Unable to download stencil data
- 0002019: [Stencil] Default stencil thickness is not chosen
- 0002071: [Stencil] Update GetRoundedRects to handle more types of shape definitions
- 0002025: [Viewer] Circular boards are not round in "product viewer"

Build (20-06-2012)
- 0001952: [Import] Buried via not properly drawn in product stackup drawing
- 0001949: [Import] Cannot assign documentation layer when linked files are hidden
- 0001945: [Panelization] Bad D-codes in panelized contour files
- 0001951: [Product browser] Clear product viewer when no product is selected
- 0001947: [Product browser] Error in product view of panel

Build (14-06-2012)
New functionality:
- 0001941: [Panelization] Show alignment lines when moving instances within a panel
- 0001933: [Price] Improved explanation of how holidays affect delivery date
- 0001924: [Product browser] Add published by and published date columns to product browser
- 0001943: [Import] Mask layers sometimes not published for 1-layer boards
- 0001938: [Import] Problem with scoring line
- 0001937: [Import] User shape with single primitive causes index out of bounds exception
- 0001931: [Import] Import module cannot open very old MOS files
- 0001919: [Import] Include info about use of contour editor in publishinfo.txt
- 0001908: [Import] Coordinate too large for %FSLAX34Y34*%
- 0001940: [Panelization] Wrong slot size if two or more instances with different slot sizes are placed on a panel
- 0001911: [Panelization] Panel drawing is black when panel frame has copper fill
- 0001916: [Product browser] Undefined product in Quote dialog when product appears to be selected
- 0001934: [Viewer] Do not sort inner layers separately from outer layers in layer list
- 0001942: [Other] Change the Macaos Login tab order
- 0001930: [Other] Unable to upgrade via proxy server
- 0001915: [Other] Add masks: assertion error after deleting duplicated pads
- 0001914: [Other] Add masks: the visible layers should be changed when selecting layer side
- 0001912: [Other] Add masks: the publish button is never enabled

Build (30-03-2012)
New functionality:
- 0001782: [Import] Calculate gold area if gerber file linked to hard gold
- 0001576: [Stencil] Make it possible to choose stencil frame from paste data
- 0001905: [Import] If a zipfile is imported, and no common file name is found, use zip file name as PCB name
- 0001901: [Import] F command in excellon rout file should be ignored
- 0001899: [Import] Drill file parsing fails due to leading null characters in file
- 0001884: [Import] Problem parsing complex macro with spaces
- 0001673: [Import] Slow respons when clicking ep-number or add symbols
- 0001904: [Panelization] Tab holes for product without drills are missing from the gerber output
- 0001907: [Price] Days must be an integer error when sending RFQ from quotation module
- 0001902: [Price] Contact sales office message should not be shown if price is available
- 0001906: [Product browser] "Based on product" displays poorly for multi-product panels
- 0001890: [Stencil] It is not possible to build up stencils from base thickness
- 0001887: [Other] Drill template drawing mixes plated and unplated holes

Build (22-03-2012)
- 0001893: [Import] List index out of bounds (0) when deselecting contour objects
- 0001896: [Panelization] Scoring sometimes disabled
- 0001897: [Price] Sometimes unable to get prices first time quote dialog is opened
- 0001898: [Product browser] Authorization failure downloading stencil data for panels
- 0001895: [Product browser] Multi-product panel icon does not show in product browser

Build (16-03-2012)
New functionality:
- 0001885: [Panelization] Place Break-off holes all the way to the board profile instead of to the board boundbox
- 0001425: [Panelization] Allow scoring in multi-product panel when possible
- 0001876: [Product browser] Generate PDF file with layout drawings for copper/drill/mask layers, stackup and drill template
- 0001883: [Import] Attempt to place UL mark on nonexistent layer creates memory leak
- 0001875: [Price] Prices incorrect for stencils with multiple thicknesses
- 0001871: [Price] Thickness shown incorrectly for stencil with etch regions
- 0001878: [Stencil] Invalid Gerber aperture generated for rotated square shape

Build (24-02-2012)
Changed functionality:
- 0001857: [Import] Add warning when selecting HASL with lead ( Non ROHS)
- 0001854: [Import] Accept multiple co-located pads when adjusting drill offset
- 0001842: [Import] Stackup drawing incorrect for stackup with special material
- 0001841: [Order] When opening address selection dialog, sometimes an address violation occurs
- 0001835: [Price] Link to generate RFQ does not work

Build (27-01-2012)
Changed functionality:
- 0001831: [Import] Change minimum line width for notation layers to 0.125mm
- 0001830: [Import] Graphic mode buttons not enabled after automatic contour generation
- 0001829: [Import] Problem defining 1-layer board with aluminium
- 0001828: [Import] Ctrl-R to rotate ident-number does not work
- 0001827: [Panelization] Unable to publish panel with board rotated

Build (20-01-2012)
New functionality:
- 0001823: [Import] Ask if user wants to save current linking as a link filter when publishing
- 0001815: [Import] Add link filter where file names match layer names
- 0001814: [Import] Improved support for stackups with aluminium core or carrier
- 0001825: [Viewer] Right-click to choose classic color scheme instead of new color scheme
- 0001824: [Viewer] Adjust viewer colors to better match physical board colors
- 0001706: [Other] Add option to request quotation for assembly
- 0001813: [Import] Prevent publishing if product name is missing
- 0001810: [Import] Unable to delete user-defined link filters
- 0001809: [Import] Repeated holes incorrectly parsed when spacing is negative
- 0001796: [Import] Check that Products/Panel <= Boards/Panel
- 0001820: [Price] Problem selecting price
- 0001811: [Price] Include order options in quotation comment text
- 0001804: [Price] Prices do not update when checking off for Prototypes or IPC 3
- 0001816: [Stencil] Problems panning view in stencil viewer
- 0001655: [Viewer] When viewing stencil-products (with p in product name) viewer should zoom to paste data

Build (20-12-2011)
- 0001793: [Import] Should not be necessary to specify min features for a zero-layer board
- 0001791: [Import] 2-layer stackup drawing shows both actual thickness and "free thickness"
- 0001794: [Other] Add title block text as metadata fields in PDF technical drawings
- 0001795: [Other] Disable RFQ for assembly

Build (14-12-2011)
- 0001790: [Import] Some tool sizes do not update properly when copying from text file
- 0001789: [Import] Warn if user tries to link empty image file
- 0001788: [Import] Cannot enable/disable individual link filters
- 0001786: [Panelization] Convert contour arc made up of many small segments to true arc
- 0001787: [Price] Cannot change board specifications in quotation

Build (13-12-2011)
New functionality:
- 0001777: [Import] Copy and paste to drill tab
- 0001775: [Import] add layer mappings for Gerber assembly drawings
- 0001760: [Import] Functionality to have an engineer do the import for the user
- 0001759: [Import] Allow PRO user to specify title block content when making stackup drawing for product
- 0001755: [Import] Store import link filters in db for sharing across company
- 0001749: [Import] Add the right-click popup (and shortcuts) to Import to hide all, view top, view bottom
- 0001739: [Import] Improved stackup drawing (PDF format)
- 0001734: [Import] Auto scaling of drill files
- 0001733: [Import] Auto selection of contour
- 0001730: [Import] Move board specifications to tabs so they can be edited while graphic viewer is enabled
- 0001729: [Import] Copy board specs to clipboard
- 0001728: [Import] Open files in RAR compressed archive
- 0001744: [Order] Include an order summary in final confirmation of order dialog
- 0001784: [Panelization] Allow PRO user to specify title block content when making stackup and panel drawings for product
- 0001131: [Panelization] Add "settings" to panel program
- 0001676: [Price] Include order options check boxes as customer settings
- 0001752: [Product browser] Allow user to view packing list in order history
- 0001754: [Other] Add request login info button to login dialog box
- 0001706: [Other] Add option to request quotation for assembly
- 0001654: [Other] Allow user to choose between multiple authorizations when logging in
- 0001783: [Import] Warn before publish if hard gold files are linked but area is not specified
- 0001780: [Import] Rotate text in UL symbol if box height>width
- 0001779: [Import] Add menu item to open web page explaining tented/plugged/filled vias
- 0001778: [Import] Resize width of left pane as number of drill files increases
- 0001765: [Import] Warn if mask layer is linked but color is set to None
- 0001763: [Import] Support for fiducials in ground plane
- 0001756: [Import] Make filter manager dialog box resizable
- 0001740: [Import] Include stackup drawing with product files on publish
- 0001737: [Import] Add txt file to zip package with import info
- 0001735: [Import] Check for drills outside contour
- 0001731: [Import] It should not be necessary to ask more than once about leading/trailing zeros in drill files
- 0001709: [Import] Improved support for copperless stackups
- 0001674: [Import] Set non plated drill files to non plated
- 0001718: [Order] Cannot specify delivery time longer than 10 weeks
- 0001770: [Panelization] Add stackup drawing to product on publish
- 0001742: [Panelization] Add txt file to zip package with Panelization info
- 0001724: [Panelization] Change auto placement of "Centers" to "Edges"
- 0001705: [Panelization] Keep copper fill away from scoring lines
- 0001680: [Viewer] Show filename in layer checklist when layer name is unknown
- 0001741: [Viewer] Stackup viewer. Copper thickness should be shown in viewer
- 0001758: [Import] Ignore drill tool defined in comment if already defined in header
- 0001757: [Import] Minimum hole diameter should ignore unused tools
- 0001750: [Import] Add limit to auto-scaling of drills
- 0001748: [Import] It should not be possible to choose drill layer as active layer in contour tab
- 0001747: [Import] Adjusting cutter dia according to selected track route width
- 0001736: [Import] Range check error if drill file contains T00
- 0001722: [Import] M40 in Excellon rout file prevents import
- 0001721: [Import] Incorrect number of layers with 14 layer board
- 0001681: [Import] Import/recognizer. Empty gerberfiles should not be possible to link
- 0001404: [Import] Cannot publish Gerber files with rectangular pads having circular holes
- 0001675: [Order] Make warning for long order comments
- 0001726: [Panelization] Multi-product panel got zero inner minimums when 2-layer and 4-layer products mixed
- 0001406: [Panelization] Panel identification contains info from previous panel
- 0001723: [Stencil] Text in stencil frames is moved incorrectly when publishing from files not in 0,0
- 0001707: [Viewer] Viewer chokes on Gerber files with M2 command
- 0001669: [Viewer] ep-texts are not shown with the latest rules
- 0001751: [Product browser] User cannot see order history for orders placed for partner product
- 0001700: [Other] Multi-polygon Macro drawn improperly
Build (10-08-2011)
- 0001670: [Import] Drill file with routing identified as drill file rather than excellon file
- 0001658: [Import] Plated and unplated drill files interpreted with differing formats
- 0001668: [Panelization] Board moves sometimes when placing special masks in panel
- 0001653: [Panelization] When clicking the Panel button in the main form, login is required
- 0001667: [Viewer] Access violation on pan/zoom

Build (09-08-2011)
New features:
- 0001504: [Product browser] Filter products in main window
- 0001663: [Other] Add Masks function gives "Cannot make visible window modal" error

Build (15-07-2011)
New features:
- 0001660: [Import] Parse Excellon files with radius-defined arcs
- 0001656: [Panelization] Not able to place tabs on bottom board in a panel
- 0001659: [Stencil] Placement of stencil data when top and bottom on one stencil

Build (24-06-2011)
New features:
- 0001644: [Import] Info guide for choice of surface finish
- 0001620: [Import] Parse pick and place datafile from Eagle
- 0001643: [Import] Remove "standard" surface and colors
- 0001633: [Import] Access violation when selecting contour
- 0001632: [Import] Cannot place manuf ID mark on notation bottom
- 0001629: [Import] Remove unused d-code for plated slots
- 0001626: [Panelization] Not possible to select board for movement if adding scoring removes all existing route
- 0001615: [Panelization] Improve automatic tab placement between boards with unequal sides
- 0001562: [Panelization] Indicate in product whether user has chosen panel or boards when panelizing multiple products
- 0001627: [Stencil] Optimize check for reference objects
- 0001622: [Stencil] When deleting objects set as fiducials, fiducial counters not updated
- 0001621: [Stencil] Error in placing data from loaded files when top and bottom on same stencil
- 0001611: [Stencil] Issue a warning when loading same file name for stencil top and bottom
- 0001610: [Stencil] Access violation when publishing top and bottom on one stencil from loaded files

Build (02-05-2011)
New features:
- 0001583: [Import] Generate warning if notation color is the same as soldermask color
- 0001563: [Import] Should default to notation top layer when placing symbols (except UL)
- 0001558: [Import] sort by column in file list
- 0001605: [Panelization] Allow slots to cross scoring lines if only one row or column if used on a panel
- 0001547: [Stencil] Ability to move/delete text in frame in Stencil Creator
- 0001607: [Viewer] Adjust number of decimals for the measurement tool according to the zoom level
- 0001599: [Import] Contour module doesn't accept tracks
- 0001584: [Import] d-codes of -xb file is output with d-codes from original customer files
- 0001582: [Import] Ident number gets placed at unexpected position when placed on notation bottom
- 0001559: [Import] Bug in placement of product number when no notation layer is found
- 0001557: [Import] unwanted context menu when right clicking on a file in the layer overview
- 0001555: [Import] Problem viewing stackup with non-standard thickness tolerance
- 0001549: [Import] Drill holes missing when file contains G85 slots
- 0001579: [Object Structure] Square polygon macros are not converted to rects
- 0001606: [Panelization] Not able to place tab on remaing slots after adding scoring
- 0001587: [Panelization] Unwanted selection of board in panel when double clicking title bar to maximize window
- 0001586: [Panelization] Routing not removed along scoring lines
- 0001532: [Panelization] Change in movement of boards in a panel
- 0001603: [Product browser] Tracking number in production history sometimes wrong
- 0001560: [Product browser] Problem seeing shared products
- 0001578: [Stencil] Error in moving data when loading frame in some cases
- 0001575: [Stencil] Bug in deleting arc objects, deletes objects inside the boundbox
- 0001574: [Stencil] Frame texts is offset wrong when data is centered by paste data
- 0001546: [Stencil] Split openings are shown as fiducals in the Show Adjustments tree
- 0001545: [Stencil] Polygons selected as fiducials are not correctly added to db
- 0001544: [Stencil] Fiducials are not output when top and bottom is on the same stencil
- 0001535: [Stencil] Disable Center data by Board outline if no outline is found
- 0001534: [Stencil] When frame file contains polygons, the program fails
- 0001591: [Viewer] Negative inner layer with multiple Gerber Layers is not visible in viewer

Build (16-03-2011)
New features:
- 0001531: [Stencil] Option to give warning if possible fiducials are found in stencil data (round pads)
- 0001481: [Stencil] Ability to break large openings into several small
- 0001530: [Import] Sometimes unable to select contour objects
- 0001529: [Import] Zero-width line elements missing from macro aperture
- 0001521: [Panelization] Improved selection of boards on a panel
- 0001507: [Panelization] Not always possible to place boards in a valid location on a multi product panel
- 0001506: [Stencil] Limit text length in Product name, Article and company name in stencil frame
- 0001476: [Stencil] Background optimization of pads improved

Build (03-03-2011)
- 0001497: [Import] Slot-holes not visible in Import Module
- 0001499: [Panelization] Assertion failure on publish
- 0001496: [Panelization] Multiple apertures with same D-Code in contour file for mpp with no tabs
- 0001495: [Panelization] Disallow publish of multi-product panel with no tabs when manufacture as panel is selected
- 0001494: [Panelization] Disallow publish of single product panel without at least one tab (or scoring) per board
- 0001493: [Panelization] Disallow adding tabs to outer contours when manufacture as individual boards is selected

Build (25-02-2011)
New features:
- 0001472: [Import] Stackups: Add tolerance field to customer stackups
- 0001473: [Product browser] Bargain products folder
- 0001443: [Product browser] Add assembly masks to products without panelizing them
- 0001455: [Viewer] Make viewer contents popup menus "View top/bottom side"
- 0001464: [Import] Very short segments in polygon outlines sometimes ignored
- 0001460: [Import] Outline macro pads do not display properly
- 0001458: [Import] Skip drill layers when setting active layer in route tab
- 0001456: [Import] Make top/bottom side visible according to selecting top/bottom symbol placement
- 0001416: [Panelization] Zooming (by keyboard) while placing an instance results in messy graphics
- 0001478: [Stencil] Place stencils in zero point when publishing
- 0001477: [Stencil] Bug in mirror of stencil products with top and bottom on one stencil
- 0001389: [Stencil] Rout layer not duplicated when top/bottom stencil data specified
- 0001462: [Product browser] Cannot modify scope of visibility on existing share
- 0001461: [User manager] Unable to change postal code
- 0001471: [Viewer] Graphic errors when displaying small arcs

Build (27-01-2011)
New features:
- 0001450: [Order] Preselect most recently used address/contact when selecting delivery/invoice addresses
- 0001453: [Import] Should not publish if user answers NO to macro primitives warning
- 0001442: [Panelization] Tools sometimes marked as unplated when accumulating drill tools in multi-product panels

Build (10-01-2011)
- 0001440: [Import] Parsing problems when entering prepreg combinations in custom stackup
- 0001442: [Panelization] Errors in exported gerber drill files when accumulating drill tools in multi-product panels
- 0001439: [Product browser] Unable to share product after deleting share

Build (29-12-2010)
New features:
- 0001432: [Import] Add link layer for tented/plugged/filled vias
- 0001438: [Panelization] Notation bottom sometimes missing on multi-product panels
- 0001437: [Panelization] Drill tool sizes are not accumulated on multi-product panels
- 0001434: [Panelization] Place the cursor on the selected route segment when moving boards in a panel
- 0001433: [Price] RFQs assigned to wrong sales office

Build (17-12-2010)
New features:
- 0001369: [Product browser] Add "Download panel info" and "Download stencil data" menu items
- 0001428: [Import] Rout cutter size not automatically specified when opening .mei file
- 0001427: [Import] Negative inner layers do not autolink when opening .mei file
- 0001426: [Import] User layer index not incremented in file grid
- 0001423: [Import] Individual files in file grid are not displayed graphically until after they have been linked
- 0001430: [Panelization] Prevent placing a board on a panel object
- 0001429: [Panelization] Assembly mask info incorrectly added to product specifications
- 0001431: [Panelization] Cannot delete rectangular assembly mask objects
- 0001420: [Product browser] Expired share not expired
- 0001424: [Order] Some Danish users get German order confirmation

Build (10-12-2010)
- 0001419: [Panelization] Peel-off layer incorrectly identified in panel

Build (09-12-2010)
New features:
- 0001399: [Import] Allow defining free thicknesses in custom buildups
- 0001398: [Import] Allow specifying combinations of prepregs, such as 2x2116+1x1080 in custom buildups
- 0001392: [Import] Add selection list of commonly used dielectric materials in custom buildups
- 0001202: [Import] Place fiducial by entering coordinates
- 0001385: [Panelization] Add special masks to panel
- 0001364: [Panelization] Panelize different products in same panel
- 0001373: [Stencil] Make it possible to view the different adjustments of apertures
- 0001388: [Order] Warn if adding duplicate order to shopping basket
- 0001379: [Product browser] Allow column sorting in history viewer
- 0001377: [Product browser] Allow search on equals, begins, ends (in addition to contains)
- 0001366: [Product browser] Make a folder of global products which any customer may purchase
- 0001309: [Product browser] Product status view in product history
- 0001174: [Product browser] Recent orders folder
- 0000441: [Product browser] Add shipped orders folder to product browser
- 0001407: [Import] Zoom to fit sometimes uses wrong bound box after aligning drill with gerber
- 0001400: [Import] Stackup drawing exceeds page size if >12 layers
- 0001390: [Import] It should be possible to create a UL mark on notation even if no notation layer exists
- 0001374: [Import] Min notation line width does not ignore unused apertures
- 0001413: [Panelization] Published panels should be owned by panelizer
- 0001367: [Panelization] User asked if unpanelized product should be moved to wastebasket, even if no publish
- 0001408: [Stencil] Bug: Highlight layer did not get deleted after closing the stencil creator
- 0001372: [Stencil] Bug in company name written on stencil name when publishing stencil to another company
- 0001370: [Stencil] Bug in mirroring bottom stencil data when top and bottom data is on one stencil
- 0001381: [Price] Link to send RFQ disappears if user clicks on a price cell
- 0001380: [Product browser] Active orders folder does not list shared products which have active orders
- 0001365: [Product browser] Sometimes unable to delete shares
- 0001411: [User manager] Users disappear after creating new user

Build (25-10-2010)
New features:
- 0001356: [Import] Give drill files same origin as Gerber files if they do not overlap when entering drill offset mode
- 0001246: [Import] Add support for Excellon slot holes files as generated by Altium
- 0001298: [Price] Generate RFQ when no online price available
- 0001359: [Stencil] Select product owner when publishing stencil
- 0001352: [Import] Empty Gerber files should clear viewer when selected in file grid
- 0001350: [Import] Import of S&M format 1000 fails if tool list is missing
- 0001347: [Import] Unknown object type when importing contour file
- 0001343: [Import] MessageToCam with scratch in soldermask, even though no scratch is in files
- 0001259: [Import] Manufacturability test for notation layers
- 0001357: [Order] Access violatoin when displaying order confirmation
- 0001354: [Price] Quote-only hint is visible, but user can still purchase
- 0001349: [Price] Incorrect copper thickness used in price for 1-layer board
- 0001082: [Other] Re-connect after loss of session
- 0000569: [Other] Configuration file moved to Local Application Data folder

Build (17-09-2010)
- 0001330: [Price] Incorrect stackup used when getting prices in panelization module

Build (13-09-2010)
New features:
- 0001247: [Import] Automatically link *.DOC, *.XLS, *.PDF and similiar files to documentation
- 0001321: [Price] Support for ordering options
- 0001320: [Price] Improved support for online pricing with non-standard stackups
- 0001315: [Import] Set finish to None for 0-layer boards
- 0001314: [Import] Insure that number of copper files equals number of layers
- 0001312: [Import] cannot select board stacking
- 0001310: [Import] index out of bounds for stackup spec
- 0001307: [Import] Drill parser does not properly detect trailing zero suppression
- 0000910: [Import] Clearer warning if Gerber file contains Step and repeat (SR)
- 0001292: [MIFv3 Object Structure] Circles still fail in some cases
- 0001317: [Stencil] Error in the way bottom stencil data is mirrored when publishing
- 0001316: [Stencil] Improved handling of gerber parser exceptions

Build (16-07-2010)
- 0001279: [Import] Full circle arcs sometimes disappear
- 0001272: [Import] Import tries to read Gerber file as drill file
- 0001270: [Panelization] "List index out of bounds"
- 0001280: [Product browser] Not possible to remove share
- 0001275: [Viewer] UL-mark status bar does not indicate if UL-mark is to be placed on multiple layers

Build (15-06-2010)
New features:
- 0001271: [Import] Allow selecting a previously specified custom build for a new product
- 0001266: [Import] Add support for plated inner layers in custom stackups
- 0001260: [Import] Warn customer when publishing new product with same name as existing product
- 0001255: [Import] Add support for 50um and 85um base copper in custom stackups
- 0001268: [Import] Inadequate user feedback when trying to import unrecognized pick&place data
- 0001265: [Import] Drill scaling doesn't work with autolinking
- 0001262: [Import] Layer display incorrect when reloading saved project with less than 2 copper layers
- 0001261: [Import] Drill file with diameters in mils causes invalid pointer operation
- 0001254: [Import] Ident number bound box is wrong on bottom side
- 0001253: [Import] Not all files get linked when reloading saved .mei file
- 0001267: [Order] Error generating order confirmation on checkout
- 0001252: [Order] Invalid floating point value when ordering stencils in Finland

Build (27-05-2010)
New features:
- 0001248: [Stencil] Possibility to swap positions when both sides placed on one stencil
- 0001245: [Product browser] Do not refresh product list/tree if stencil module cancelled
- 0001250: [Stencil] Index out of bounds when threaded paste file processing is running
- 0001249: [Stencil] Dots for determining company and product identification text are not deleted
- 0001220: [Other] Requery autoupdate after a short period if not updated to latest version

Build (25-05-2010)
- 0001244: [Panelization] Pads disappeared
- 0001243: [Stencil] Wrong aperture size in stencil frame

Build (12-05-2010)
- 0001241: [Import] Contour highlight does not work on board layer
- 0001212: [Import] Access violation when linking gerber drill file to Drill
- 0001242: [Panelization] rout tool sizes missing from panelized product

Build (07-05-2010)
New features:
- 0001229: [Import] Allow $ character in drill files
- 0001228: [Import] Add aperture file parsers for TopCad and old PCad
- 0001217: [Import] Initially give same copper thickness to all inner layers in custom stackup
- 0001232: [Stencil] Ability to ex-change top/bottom or left/right stencil when 2 on 1
- 0001230: [Order] Add number of layers to order confirmation
- 0001227: [Import] Unable to import Sieb&Meyer format 1000 drill file
- 0001218: [Import] Global material text ignored in custom stackup
- 0001214: [Import] ESD symbol should not allow segment widths <0.1mm
- 0001231: [Stencil] When placing 2 stencil on one, distance fails when changing horz to vert or vise versa
- 0001224: [Stencil] Ask for user confirmation prior to creating many fiducials
- 0001223: [Stencil] Unable to select similar track objects in delete mode

Build (08-04-2010)
- 0001210: [Product browser] Some package tracking links do not work
- 0001209: [Viewer] Product batch number sometimes in wrong position
- 0001207: [Import] Autolink fails when reopening saved project with more than 10 layers
- 0001206: [Import] Problem entering material description for custom stackup
- 0001204: [Import] Access violation when clicking Select stackup for single sided boards

Build (30-03-2010)
New features:
- 0001180: [Import] Add autolink filter for CADint version 4.x
- 0001170: [Import] Updated tool bars
- 0001166: [Import] Additional symbols (ESD, RoHS, Annotate, Bar code)
- 0001162: [Import] Add fiducial mark to board
- 0001117: [Import] New custom stackup builder
- 0001199: [Panelization] Add bar code and/or annotation field to panel frame
- 0001191: [Stencil] Delete objects from stencil
- 0001160: [Stencil] Select/highlight pads before adjusting
- 0001159: [Stencil] Delete frames from frame manager
- 0001194: [Product browser] Add article and description columns to product browser
- 0001171: [Product browser] Show expected shipment date
- 0001161: [Viewer] Update documentation files in product
- 0001203: [Import] Problem selecting arcs
- 0001200: [Import] Not all objects get deselected when deselecting objects in contour mode
- 0001193: [Import] Show hourglass when calculating selected features for contours
- 0001173: [Import] Shortcut keys not working when adding production number
- 0001165: [Import] Incorrect interpretation of drill file
- 0001163: [Import] Incorrectly placed drill hole
- 0001049: [Import] Drills missing on import of Macaos 3.85 mos file
- 0001158: [Product browser] After placing an order a random product is selected
- 0001156: [Product browser] Share alias information not updated
- 0001178: [Price] Stackup not properly updated on free price
- 0000293: [Other] Scroll bars on stackup viewer do not have same style as other scroll bars

Build (17-02-2010)
- 0001155: [Import] Cannot select blind via stackup
- 0001152: [Stencil] Stencil openings sometimes have wrong shape

Build (12-02-2010)
New features:
- 0001151: [Import] Add autolink filter for Proteus
- 0001148: [Import] Not able to set/select board contour
- 0001146: [Import] Change minimum slot size to 0.6mm
- 0001143: [Import] Minimum hole diameter sometimes incorrect
- 0001141: [Import] Not a valid integer error when importing old mos file
- 0001140: [Import] Gerber files from Autotrax are not recognized as Gerber
- 0001147: [Price] Holidays adversely affect delivery date of stencils

Build (03-02-2010)
New features:
- 0001139: [Panelization] Rounded corners on panel frame
- 0001127: [Panelization] Include panel measurements in panel drawing
- 0001119: [Panelization] Disallow placing fiducials and tooling holes inside of boards on a panel
- 0001115: [Panelization] Incorrect routing outside panel if frame i set to zero
- 0001114: [Panelization] Board spacing is not correct if inner contour goes beyond (crosses) outer contour
- 0001138: [Import] Repeated holes in excellon file sometimes parsed incorrectly
- 0001123: [Import] Improve the visual difference between selected and unselected icon buttons
- 0001122: [Import] When adding symbols, notation top should be automatically selected if no soldermask top
- 0001121: [Import] Minimum trace width for WEEE symbol should be 0.1mm
- 0001120: [Import] Program hangs when reading drill file with leading null characters
- 0001137: [Stencil] Access violation when polygons are selected as fiducials
- 0001128: [Stencil] Display product number to user after publishing stencil
- 0001126: [Order] Access violation on checkout if no addresses listed

Build (22-12-2009)
New features:
- 0000877: [Other] Expanded stencil product creator
- 0001103: [Import] Import/export of Pick and Place data
- 0001081: [Import] Support for assembly data and documentation files
- 0001078: [Import] WEEE and Recycle symbols
- 0001097: [Product browser] Show folder name(s) in product search dialog
- 0001096: [Product browser] Partner alias for article and description on shared products
- 0001098: [Panelization] Autoplace center tabs problem
- 0001070: [Panelization] Give warning when panels larger than 5dm*5dm is generated
- 0001060: [Panelization] copy old comment to new product when panelizing
- 0001107: [Import] Cannot interpret aperture files from old EasyPC
- 0001102: [Import] Problems arise if two files are assigned to same layer
- 0001101: [Import] Cannot export user shapes with more than 50 segments
- 0001100: [Import] Can't publish the product to the database
- 0001090: [Import] Padstack report works only with first drill file
- 0001085: [Import] Corrupt drill tools on publish
- 0001080: [Import] Board properties/pricing when different boards on panel
- 0001074: [Import] Soldermask invisible if outer contour is not defined first
- 0001073: [Import] Plated inner contours have wrong size
- 0001072: [Import] Unable to select contour objects (bruce) - resolved.
- 0000971: [Import] Auto select contour objects when loading a saved product
- 0000351: [Import] Contour info is not saved when saving a product
- 0001086: [Price] Cannot get price for some long, narrow PCBs
- 0001079: [Price] Support for add'l pricing parameters
- 0001076: [Price] Product name incorrect in quotation when modified specs
- 0001113: [Product browser] Cannot permanently delete stencils from wastebasket
- 0001108: [Viewer] Soldermask changed
- 0001087: [Viewer] plated slots

Build (06-10-2009)
New features:
- 0001059: [Panelization] Change GUI to use toolbar rather than tabbed pages
- 0001058: [Panelization] Some parameters are not saved properly
- 0001057: [Panelization] Measure shows when removing frame holes
- 0001054: [Panelization] Disallow placing bad marks inside of neighboring boards
- 0001052: [Panelization] Undesired fiducials appear on paste mask bottom
- 0001056: [Import] Unable to select zero-width segments as contour objects
- 0001053: [Import] Lead-free and CE marks are not mirrored on bottom layer

Build (01-10-2009)
New features:
- 0001035: [Panelization] Fill panel frame with copper
- 0001034: [Panelization] Add Bad-board marks to panel
- 0001033: [Panelization] Add break-off holes to panel frame
- 0001048: [Import] Add Pb-free mark or CE mark to board
- 0001030: [Import] Inspector/editor for difficult contour paths
- 0001051: [Import] Some pads missing when Gerber file viewed in GerbTool
- 0001050: [Import] Access violation when only one file opened
- 0001043: [Import] Display of published file with G85 slot fails
- 0001042: [Import] wrong characters are displayed when placing batch number
- 0001039: [Import] Some layers get mangled in filters
- 0001038: [Import] Disallow scoring with thin stackups
- 0001036: [Import] Drill tool diameters incorrect when merging more than 2 drill files
- 0001031: [Import] Selection mode is wrong on return to contour tab
- 0001029: [Import] Proteus Gerber files not recognized as Gerber files
- 0001028: [Import] Proteus drill file improperly scaled
- 0001037: [Price] Shipping price added to stencils ordered with PCBs
- 0001032: [Product browser] Unable to restore product browser if hidden

Build (08-09-2009)
New feature:
- 0001025: [Panelization] Allow square pads/openings in fiducial marks
- 0001023: [Panelization] Improved manual placement of break-off tabs
- 0001018: [Panelization] Improvements to polygon and closed loop detection
- 0001017: [Panelization] Zero length arcs in generated gerber files
- 0001015: [Panelization] Layers sometimes get reordered
- 0001011: [Panelization] Mixed scoring and routed arcs
- 0001010: [Panelization] Unable to publish some panels
- 0001003: [Panelization] Holes added in frame are not added to number of non plated holes
- 0001022: [Import] Disallow contour objects that extend outside of outer contour
- 0001021: [Import] Should not allow publish when clearance / copper thickness are incompatible
- 0001019: [Import] Closed loop contours not always recognized as closed
- 0001016: [Import] Board size sometimes incorrect after unlinking layer
- 0001013: [Import] Graphic does not update when contour deleted
- 0001008: [Import] Unlinked drill file not ignored when aligning drills to pads
- 0001007: [Import] Incorrect board size and zero-point on some products
- 0001012: [Product browser] Folders not updated after order
- 0001005: [Other] Icon buttons are in grayscale rather than in color

Build (14-08-2009)
New feature:
- 0000975: [Panelization] Mixed scoring and routing
- 0000987: [Panelization] UL-marks don't get panelized properly
- 0000984: [Panelization] Measure shows when removing tabs
- 0000978: [Panelization] Multiple scoring in panel?
- 0000974: [Panelization] Inner contours in panel
- 0000963: [Panelization] After stepping a product, ask if single pcb should be moved to waste basket
- 0000977: [Viewer] Solder mask not visible
- 0000552: [Viewer] showing notation clipped with soldermask
- 0001001: [Import] Center point shifts erratically on zoom with mouse wheel
- 0001000: [Import] The selected file doesn't get drawn when using arrow keys in the file list
- 0000998: [Import] Error in polygons and macros
- 0000996: [Import] Bug when selecting contours
- 0000993: [Import] Incorrect chaining of contour elements
- 0000283: [Import] Segments already used in a contour object should not be selectable

Build (17-07-2009)
- 0000994: [Import] Donut aperture definitions are missing D-code
- 0000992: [Import] Aligning of drill holes to pads fails
- 0000989: [Import] Highlighted objects are not highlighted
- 0000988: [Import] Turning layers on/off does not preserve zoom factor
- 0000986: [Import] Minimum size for UL mark
- 0000985: [Import] Disallow UL mark on non-existent layer

Build (10-07-2009)
- 0000983: [Import] Graphic veiwer remains in single file mode when changing tabs
- 0000982: [Import] Disallow multiple selection in file grid
- 0000981: [Import] Inner contours are displayed too large
- 0000980: [Import] Board size incorrect in some cases
- 0000979: [Price] Disallow ordering very small boards

Build (09-07-2009)
New features:
- 0000946: [Panelization] Powerful new panelization module
- 0000951: [Viewer] Show cursor coordinates
- 0000523: [Viewer] Show product/batch number in graphic viewer
- 0000350: [Viewer] Pan and zoom in Viewer with keyboard
- 0000305: [Viewer] Measure function
- 0000964: [Import] Close Import and locate new product in browser after publish
- 0000322: [Import] Include drill format in autolink filter created from current mapping
- 0000316: [Import] Ability to add UL-mark to board
- 0000306: [Import] Rotation of product/batch number
- 0000291: [Product browser] Cannot delete products from wastebasket
- 0000512: [Viewer] Viewer fails to display certain products
- 0000511: [Viewer] Viewer does not display negative layers properly
- 0000353: [Viewer] Excessive memory usage
- 0000972: [Import] Add warning if an outer copper layer has no solder mask
- 0000967: [Import] Show warning if no drill files are to be published
- 0000965: [Import] Change the layer link text for non gerber or drill files in the file grid to N/A
- 0000952: [Import] Holes on single sided boards must be specified as unplated
- 0000829: [Import] Very slow response with complex contour
- 0000822: [Import] Problem with Edwin files with ground plane
- 0000817: [Import] Gerber with scratch is missing data when exporting
- 0000787: [Import] Import drill background covers checkbox
- 0000709: [Import] Resolve problem where merging not supported
- 0000601: [Import] Abnormal Program Termination error
- 0000539: [Import] G85 slot drill not supported in drill parser
- 0000328: [Import] Cannot link both positive and negative files to copper layer
- 0000327: [Import] Cannot make plated inner contours
- 0000318: [Import] Expanded use of Help frame