Macaos Enterprise 3.6 (March 2012)
Macaos Enterprise 3.6 (March 2012) Bruce
Print a documentation setGenerate a PDF document with technical drawings of each layer in a PCB or paste mask product. A stackup drawing and drill template drawings are also included. The title block texts (such as owner, title, date and drawing number) for the document may be specified as desired. |
Panelization improvementsScoring in multi-product panelsScoring may be selected for a multi-product panel. This is only possible if all of the boards in each row (or column) of a panel have the same height (or width). Break-off holesThe break-off hole generator has been improved to better follow the contour of each board in the panel. Alignment linesWhen moving boards within a panel, vertical and/or horizontal lines show when the board is aligned with the edge(s) of other boards i the panel. |