Release notes
Release notes
Latest version: Macaos Perception
Macaos Perception 2.x
Macaos Perception 2.x
Macaos Perception 2.0
Build (19-12-2024)
- 0005467: [Other] Login fails if autologin enabled
- 0005468: [Tasks] Reserve by submenu not always populated
Build (18-12-2024)
- 0005465: [Tasks] Add "My name" to top of the Reserve list and make the second item empty
- 0005462: [Tasks] Set task colors to first 3 columns, and jump to Task edit tab
- 0005455: [Order] Set IPC-1602 option for quotation, if specified in customer comment
- 0005432: [Order] Persisting bug: Can not save position changes due to incorrect same currency error
- 0005437: [Product] Viewer - Board (previous) layers are not shown
- 0005464: [Tasks] It's not possible to Reserve from Edit task tab
- 0005463: [Tasks] Using popup menu to change Reserved, Handling or Status updates the wrong field
Build (06-12-2024)
- 0005454: [Order] When changing supplier, keep the Waiting status
- 0005443: [Product] Support for flex cover layer color
- 0005429: [Product] IPC Class 2+ as default for PCBA
- 0005423: [Product] Support for stencil fiducials on both sides
- 0005453: [Tasks] Alternating background color in task list
- 0005408: [Tasks] Rearrange Task column order in task list
- 0005406: [Tasks] Urgent tasks must not be shown at other offices and not when filtering
- 0005440: [Customer] Address-column in search pane is populated with Department Name
- 0005448: [Order] Incorrect days on order
- 0005435: [Order] Merge orders popup incorrectly populated columns
- 0005432: [Order] Persisting bug: Can not save position changes due to incorrect same currency error
- 0005446: [Product] 3d product file is downloaded multiple times from the server
- 0005442: [Product] Can not change currency in quotation dialog
- 0005434: [Product] PCBA product: Incorrect confirm message when saving product
- 0005428: [Product] Persisting bug - @MANU comments in Popup
- 0005422: [Product] ADM: Component link to Octopart not always saved
- 0005438: [Quote] Stat pane, quote tab: date order is incorrect
- 0005433: [Search] Shipment tab: link to Customer info from customer column does not work
- 0005430: [Search] Products tab: Link to publisher doesn't work
- 0005439: [Other] Perception should not start if login is unsuccessful
Build (04-11-2024)
- 0005426: [Order] Split Order fails with unknown field error
- 0005421: [Other] Treat all unixtimestamps from the database as local time in Norway
- 0005424: [Quote] PanelDrawing.pdf not found error on print quotation
Build (22-10-2024)
- 0005416: [Other] Selecting a date in stats pane should select Order search tab if Companies, People or Macaos tab is active
- 0005409: [Other] Add keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+E) to View|Hide Editor pane
- 0005403: [Other] Allow word wrap for non @ comments
- 0005411: [Product] Add manufacturer icons to product orders list
- 0005410: [Tasks] Changes status field background color to emphasize status in some cases
- 0005417: [Order] Order description text cannot be saved
- 0005414: [Order] Check for matching currencies happens too early
- 0005404: [Other] OTS manager: Publish product is not implemented
- 0005351: [Other] Viewer: Copper bottom layer is seen on 0-layer boards
- 0005418: [Quote] Quotation mail text has an incorrect extra line
- 0005402: [Quote] It is not possible to send more than quotation without restarting
- 0005401: [Quote] In quotations long product names text overlap "Product number"
- 0005405: [Tasks] Task edit pane only populates the first clicked task - subsequent tasks are not populated
Build (09-10-2024)
- 0005392: [Macaos] ADM: Error when deleting 2 items or more
- 0005397: [Order] Currency is not converted in some cases - and Timestamp is incorrect in MP order
- 0005308: [Order] Price lists in quotation dialog show are not filtered by user
- 0005307: [Product] Product history not yet supported
- 0005394: [Quote] Send quote email - From address is set to Elprint Norge AS
Build (30-09-2024)
- 0005361: [Other] Customer follow up calendar: Completed issues are always shown, max 3 events shown etc
- 0005378: [Product] Mech parts: Material is always editable - Paint color not shown
- 0005389: [Statistics] Allow all/single office on weekly report by product type
- 0005356: [Statistics] All Job type drop down should be updated
- 0005357: [Tasks] Free text search should include the more fields
- 0005391: [Customer] When editing a contact info the Contact type is lost in the popup
- 0005390: [Order] Cannot change sales office and currency when creating a new order
- 0005367: [Order] Can not move shipment to another position
- 0005383: [Other] All search fields seem to search on CTRL down
- 0005360: [Other] Uploading files to viewer not supported
- 0005332: [Other] Link in update popup is not working
- 0005387: [Product] When making variants (of PCBA product) Product Comment is taken from the PCB product
- 0005386: [Product] @MANU product comments are split up incorrectly
- 0005365: [Product] Incorrect confirmation text when linking panel to PCBA product
- 0005358: [Product] Can not print quotation for OTS products
- 0005305: [Product] ADM: Can not change battery component from style Fuse to style Battery
- 0005364: [Quote] Send quotation email sets sender to individual - must be office
- 0005363: [Statistics] Statistics|Nexar usage does not clear tree before refresh
- 0005355: [Statistics] Sales office overview Suppliers filter doesn't work
- 0005362: [Tasks] Parent/child relations does not work as expected
Build (23-08-2024)
New features:
- 0005338: [Mail] Add "Reply" button to mail
- 0005354: [Statistics] Add statistics for Nexar part lookup counts
- 0005342: [Tasks] Add Hide images check box to Linked messages
- 0005350: [Order] Populate additional fields if "Add new positions to Tasks list" when creating new order
- 0005298: [Order] OC: Add page numbers to multi-page OCs
- 0005340: [Tasks] It should not be allowed create a task without having set Customer
- 0005344: [Customer] Follow up calendar. Adding new follow up causes AV
- 0005345: [Mail] Mail search creates an continuous loop of calls to the server
- 0005335: [Mail] Some mails do not show office icon
- 0005349: [Order] Order confirmations are not set to OrderConf email address
- 0005346: [Order] OC: Order comments are restricted to one line
- 0005330: [Order] Merge orders not working
- 0005329: [Order] OC: Long specification text overlaps other texts
- 0005353: [Product] ADM: Can not open PCBA product
- 0005352: [Product] Related products shows itself
- 0005348: [Product] ADM: Nexar token expires
- 0005339: [Product] Access violation when viewing a depanel fixture product
- 0005343: [Product] Can't import P&P fil from product
- 0005334: [Product] Product has wrong Macaos enterprise folders show
- 0005310: [Product] Product data disappears when pasting product number into search pane
- 0005336: [Search] Unshipped Shipments list takes long time to retrieve and the list is incorrect
- 0005326: [Statistics] Can not select Mixes tab in search pane when a company has been selected in stats pane
- 0005341: [Tasks] Creating task does not save Reserved to
- 0005337: [Tasks] A task linked to an order cannot set Ordered date in Task
- 0005331: [Tasks] Select mail popup: Filter not working
Build (16-08-2024)
- 0005314: [Mail] Search tab: It should be possible to search for a phrase AND set a date
- 0005304: [Statistics] Change active tab in search pane when the user click an element in statistical pane
- 0005302: [Statistics] Wait cursor should be showing until customer list is presented to the user
- 0005319: [Mail] Mails found in Search are not displayed
- 0005325: [Order] Can not mark order as shipped
- 0005323: [Order] Cannot make position lines hidden
- 0005311: [Tasks] Edit pane, Linked messages filter not working
- 0005309: [Order] Edit price line fetches wrong exchange rate when changing currency
- 0005312: [Order] Warning when trying to replace a product for which work order has been deleted
- 0005306: [Product] Can not delete or edit product share
- 0005313: [Quote] Tooling cost is added to the Total price rather than Board price in quotation documents
- 0005303: [Statistics] AV when clicking on a company in the customers tab in the statistical summary pane
Build (14-08-2024)
- 0000000: [Mailbox]: Allow delete from mail list when only 1 mail selected
- 0000000: [Product]: ADM: Support for Nexar API
- 0000000: [Customer] Can not select post code
- 0000000: [Order] Make price hidden function missing
- 0000000: [Other] Exit and clear login does not clear login
- 0000000: [Other] Send mail dialog fails with long email addresses
- 0000000: [Product]: ADM: Access violation when linking component class to Octopart
- 0000000: [Search] Order history hyperlink does not work in Companies search list
- 0000000: [Shipments]: All offices check box is ignored
- 0000000: [Tasks] Wrong text on Close button
Build (13-08-2024)
New features:
- 0005286: [Order] Support for "waiting" price lines
- 0005285: [Order] Specify prices as either unit price or total price
- 0005284: [Order] Import factory price from MC work order
- 0005283: [Order] Support for wholesale (cost) prices in any supported currency
- 0005137: [Order] Allow to make order options changes to all positions of the same order
- 0005027: [Order] Adding contact people during order registration
- 0005014: [Order] Flag invoices
- 0005293: [Product] Run CAM checks on download, upload and change CAM by person
- 0005147: [Product] Allow setting folders and product status from Perception
- 0004988: [Product] Copy component layers from earlier version of PCB
- 0005297: [Product] ADM: Add support for Pressfit mounting style
- 0005220: [Product] ADM: Import supplier/sku from multiple columns
- 0005170: [Product] ADM: Remember selected suppliers in Price estimator dialog
- 0005169: [Product] ADM: Copy price estimator results to clipboard
- 0005165: [Product] ADM: Show report of BOM/PnP mismatch issues
- 0005162: [Product] ADM: Copy component description from search results
- 0005129: [Product] ADM: Check BOM for signs of "NOT MOUNT"
- 0005019: [Product] ADM: Add warning for BOM import rows without designator
- 0004981: [Product] ADM: Change component class for selected components
- 0004980: [Product] ADM: Add default mounting style for connectors in BOM import
- 0004979: [Product] ADM: Add line number to BOM import wizard
- 0004907: [Product] ADM: Add alternate parts in BOM import
- 0004854: [Product] ADM: Add "Continue with next component" functionality to Octopart search
- 0005275: [Tasks] Add task list (similar to JobOverview)
- 0005280: [Tasks] Edit task properties
- 0005282: [Tasks] Support for task alerts
- 0005281: [Tasks] View task-related timestamps, mails, messages, RFQs, etc.
- 0005279: [Tasks] Create task from mail, product, or order
- 0005278: [Tasks] Support for parent/child task relationships
- 0005277: [Tasks] Link messages (chat, phone, etc) and files to tasks
- 0005276: [Tasks] Link mails to tasks
- 0005288: [Other] Vacation manager
- 0005287: [Other] Redesigned holiday manager
- 0005167: [Other] OTS manager: It should be possible to download product image from existing product
- 0005197: [Order] For single board panels "Allow X-out in panel" in OC should say No
- 0005176: [Order] Additional filter fields for order search
- 0005292: [Other] Comments: Improved support for special purpose (manuf, assy, ship, oc) comments
- 0005291: [Other] New report viewer for quotations and OCs, with improved mail support
- 0004503: [Other] In mail dialog for quote/OC, right-click on subject to add product name/number/article
- 0005289: [Other] OTS product manager: Fetch next available product number for connectors or machines
- 0005243: [Product] Warn for sign for CAM of ASSY product if Modification status < Ready for manufacure
- 0005142: [Product] Warn if creating a PCBA product from PCB product without component layers.
- 0005189: [Product] ADM: Octopart component search: Allow auto-search if MPN without Manufacturer
- 0005188: [Product] ADM: Allow auto-linking if multiple exact matches are found during "Link to Octopart" run
- 0005051: [Product] ADM: Alternate parts info should be included in exported BOM
- 0004951: [Product] ADM: On BOM import if default mounting style is not selected warn user on import
- 0004950: [Product] ADM: Saving a product without all mounting styles set, should warn the user
- 0004855: [Product] ADM: Link to Octopart if match: Allow selecting match if there are more than one
- 0005205: [Customer] It should not be possible to merge a company with itself
- 0005168: [Order] Search text ending with space in Select address/contact dialog
- 0005236: [Other] Perception will not update if the program is started outside program directory
- 0005247: [Product] Function test of PCBA products is not stored when saving
- 0005185: [Product] Subnumber does not get filled when making a variant of a stencil product.
- 0005274: [Product] ADM: Bottom side rotations do not display correctly
- 0005258: [Product] ADM: Range Check Error when saving imported BOM data
- 0005254: [Product] ADM: Component pricing estimator - incorrect quantity is shown on pop up
- 0005135: [Product] ADM: Designator should be trimmed when importing PnP and BOM data
- 0005022: [Product] ADM: Link to Octopart stops processing class after failed link
- 0005005: [Product] ADM: Deleting all components on one side of PCBA product will load them from PCB product next time
- 0004982: [Product] ADM: Doesn't always show correct layer when double-clicking a component group
- 0005179: [Statistics] Wrong date appear in Statistical summary
Macaos Perception 1.x
Macaos Perception 1.x
Macaos Perception 1.6
Build (05-10-2023)
- 0005163: [Product] Copper bottom contains wrong layer data under certain circumstances
- 0005150: [Product] Viewer: Unknown file names must be shown as a layer with the file name prefix as layer/function
- 0005135: [Product] ADM: Designator should be trimmed when importing PnP and BOM data
Build (01-09-2023)
- 0005151: [Order] Problems editing positions where customer currency is EUR or USD
Build (30-06-2023)
- 0005130: [Product] Copy component layers from one product to another
- 0005121: [Quote] Emails generated by the quotation module do not display properly in Outlook or JO
Build (25-05-2023)
- 000000: [Viewer] Yellow pads in soldermask
Build (24-05-2023)
- 0005059: [ADM] Add Rotate 90 CW/CCW commands to component list menu
- 0005102: [ADM] Link (to octopart) button does not work
- 0005091: [ADM] Search issues in Octopart
- 0005054: [ADM] No mapping for unicode character
Build (17-04-2023)
- 0005038: [Other] Add 85 44 42 90 90 (Cable Kit) as an option in Off the Shelf Manager
- 0005030: [Product] "Create PCBA product" should (optionally) carry over comments from PCB product
- 0005020: [Product] Add dormant symbol in "related products"
- 0005008: [Product] Hide PCB product options for PCBA
- 0005047: [Product] ADM: Add "RN" to Resistors and add "Powersupplies" as a component class
- 0005032: [Product] ADM: Update value, package and descr after search
- 0005026: [Product] ADM: Crash if deleting more than one item
- 0004984: [Product] ADM: When importing BOM from product file, the stream cannot be found
- 0005036: [Product] Mysql error when clicking create product share from context menu
- 0005029: [Quote] Should not include BOM file with quote for PCBA
Build (05-10-2022)
- 0004953: [Product] Change columns for Stat. summary
- 0004968: [Statistics] Add avg this year to weekly report
- 0004977: [Order] PCBA order always has function test option selected
- 0004969: [Product] Should not be possible to create product share if owner has no Macaos licenses
Build (18-07-2022)
New features:
- 0004937: [Statistics] Overview of PCBA orders
- 0004941: [Product] ADM: Show popup warning for PCBA product if no changes permitted
- 0004938: [Product] Save button is not activated when editing PCBA weight
- 0004940: [Product] Stackup drawing does not show flex core
- 0004943: [Order] FTEST in OC comment
Build (22-06-2022)
New features:
- 0004895: [Order] Move shipment to another position
- 0004896: [Product] Change stock place of selected stock
- 0004889: [Product] Support for PCBA product type
- 0004874: [Product] ADM: Add Autolink to Octopart icon
- 0004871: [Product] ADM: Allow offices to edit product comment from ADM
- 0004851: [Product] ADM: Add additional search text to component search parameters
- 0004890: [Other] Holiday manager - List of companies should only contain active suppliers
- 0004891: [Order] Add component count to order confirmations for PCBA products
- 0004872: [Order] Add From factory and To customer dates to positions list
- 0004893: [Product] Add hint with Article/Description to list of related products
- 0004873: [Product] Allow left aligned product specifications icons
- 0004859: [Product] Add assembly comments to products
- 0004839: [Search] Add product name and order comments columns to shipping view
- 0004922: [Customer] unexpected behavior when clicking cancel in add contact info dialog
- 0004909: [Order] Can not print pack list
- 0004882: [Product] Files of type .zip.v0 should not be visible in file list
- 0004865: [Product] Can not view film product
Macaos Perception 1.5
Build (02-03-2022)
- 0004859: [Product] Add assembly comments to products
- 0004865: [Product] Can not view film product
Build (24-02-2022)
- 0004853: [ADM] Add Ctrl+D shortcut to search in Octopart search dialog
- 0004852: [ADM] Auto search when opening Octopart search if manufacturer and MPN specified
- 0004849: [ADM] Update product specs when closing ADM
- 0004848: [ADM] In Octopart search, check for manuf. name should not be case sensitive
- 0004846: [ADM] Layer visibility when showing instances
- 0004844: [ADM] Select component if exact match in Filter function
- 0004840: [ADM] Change Save button to OK in component editor
- 0004839: [Search] Add product name and order comments columns to shipping view
- 0004850: [ADM] When importing BOM, the original file does not get saved with the product
- 0004841: [ADM] If a space is found in Designator line - ADM will keep asking you if you want to use it as separator
Build (08-02-2022)
New features:
- 0004838: [Order] Renumber and regenerate order confirmation
- 0004837: [Order] Merge orders into single order
- 0004825: [Order] The ability to split incoming orders
- 0004813: [Quote] Allow attaching BOM file to quotation for assembly
- 0004823: [Product] ADM: Add designators to components report, and MPN to placement report
- 0003902: [Product] Changes to panel drawing
- 0004826: [Search] Add sent/rest columns to orders and shipments lists
- 0004819: [Search] Add icon for dormant products (and in wastebasket) in products list
- 0004818: [Order] Mark as shipped fails with "Unknown column CN" error
- 0004832: [Product] Some 0-layer stackups do not display properly in stackup chooser
- 0004814: [Product] ADM: Missing columns in BOM components and placement reports
Macaos Perception 1.4
Build (16-11-2021)
- 0004800: [Order] Set country of origin when marking a position as shipped
Build (30-09-2021)
- 0004787: [ADM] Select component in search dialog without changing search texts
- 0004786: [ADM] Button to expand only component level in component list
- 0004784: [Viewer] Show info on x-key snap placement
- 0004782: [ADM] Component layer is visible but the visibility checkbox is not checked
- 0004781: [ADM] Designator filter does not work
- 0004785: [Import] Range check error when selecting 10-layer stackup
- 0004783: [Import] Test pads bottom layer not saved if IPC file not automatically recognized
- 0004788: [OTS] Unknown property error in price element edit dialog
Build (28-09-2021)
New features:
- 0004780: [ADM] BOM Import: Exclude components from Equiv or better by designator
- 0004766: [ADM] Can not import BOM from file stored in product
Build (22-09-2021)
New features:
- 0004761: [Mail] New Mail viewer (use View|Show mailbox to enable)
- 0004765: [Product] Allow making variant of test fixture product
- 0004759: [Other] OTS Mgr: Limit file size for product image
- 0004762: [Search] Search list for invoices sums credit notes incorrectly
- 0004760: [Other] OTS Mgr: Category groupings for non-JILN connectors
Macaos Perception 1.3
Build (21-07-2021)
- 0004732: [Other] Remove m² and dm price columns from order summary
- 0004731: [Quote] Show valid days in quote viewer
- 0004733: [Statistics] Annual overview delivery chart should include next year
- 0004730: [Quote] Logo in quotations and order confirmations should be set correctly for each office
Build (30-06-2021)
- 0004715: [Product] Make it possible to change the number of days a quotation is valid
- 0004723: [Product] "Other" solder mask color does not load properly
- 0004717: [Product] Product specs does not display integrated test jig style
- 0004720: [Product] Style id incorrect after editing test jig
Build (17-06-2021)
- 0004694: [Product] ADM BOM Import: Automatically identify designator separator if comma, semicolon or space found
- 0004693: [Product] ADM BOM Import: Add additional Value columns
- 0004692: [Product] ADM BOM Import: Allow hyphen as valid designator character
- 0004691: [Product] ADM BOM Import: Allow marking caps/res as equivalent or better
- 0004690: [Product] ADM BOM Import: Clear all settings
- 0004689: [Product] ADM BOM Import: Search and replace in selected grid column
- 0004683: [Product] ADM Delete equiv or better, or all alternates
- 0004679: [Product] ADM It should be possible to un-mark a checked item from the popup menu
- 0004677: [Product] ADM Component search module short cut changed from Ctrl+O to Ctrl+D
- 0004706: [Product] Test fixture board center incorrectly displayed
- 0004695: [Product] ADM Some changes not saved when product saved
- 0004688: [Product] ADM Problem importing PnP from attached file
- 0004678: [Product] ADM Imported file stored in product is empty
- 0004676: [Product] ADM Hide components with BOM status approved does not work.
- 0004675: [Product] ADM Focus issue in component list
Build (06-05-2021)
- 0004666: [Product] ADM Add menu commands to expand/collapse selected item in list
- 0004665: [Product] ADM More options to hide components in list
- 0004664: [Product] ADM Allow designator ranges (C13-C25) in search
- 0004662: [Product] ADM Caption and icon changes to reduce confusion about approval and placement style
- 0004659: [Product] ADM make Price dialog sizeable
- 0004672: [Price] No text for supplier Elprint is available
- 0004667: [Product] ADM Unidentified "parts not found"
- 0004663: [Product] ADM Access violation importing PnP bottom data
Build (13-04-2021)
- 0004533: [ADM] Allow import of XLSX and ODS files for BOM
- 0004651: [ADM] Enable Swap Layer only when instance is selected
- 0004649: [ADM] Keyboard arrow button does not work in Edit boxes in edit component
- 0004648: [ADM] BOM Import: Supplier/SKU in single column does not display as expected
- 0004643: [ADM] Give unique description when creating component
- 0004639: [Product] Attached files on Mech part do not show in list
Build (23-03-2021)
New features:
- 0004634: [ADM] EMS: Function to automatically link to Octopart (if possible)
- 0004628: [ADM] Add separate functions to mark as approved for Placement/BOM
- 0004635: [ADM] Importing some PnP files does not work after Clear All
- 0004629: [Order] Can not edit prices for pallets
Build (16-03-2021)
New features:
- 0004626: [ADM] Clear all components
- 0004625: [ADM] Some rotations are incorrect when importing PnP from Altium
- 0004627: [ADM] Component counts not saved properly
Build (09-03-2021)
- 0004616: [Customer] Can not save changes to company info
Build (04-03-2021)
- 0004611: [Order] Edit price line. Prices are limited to only 3 digits before comma
Build (03-03-2021)
- 0004603: [ADM] Add "save settings" check box to Import BOM dialog
- 0004602: [ADM] Check that description and/or manuf part # column is specified
- 0004604: [ADM] Shortcut keys to view layers not working
- 0004601: [ADM] Error importing BOM in text/csv format
- 0004607: [Product] Wrong annular ring shown in certain situations
- 0004605: [Product] Can not open product containing ODB++ .tgz file
Build (16-02-2021)
- 0004591: [ADM] Add Test point as component class
- 0004577: [ADM] Option to ignore DNP components in price estimator
- 0004588: [ADM] PnP import scaling issue
- 0004584: [ADM] Last character ignored when editing cell in source BOM grid
Build (11-02-2021)
- 0004578: [Price] Range check error when getting prices
Build (10-02-2021)
New features:
- 0004573: [Product] Toggle product dormant status
- 0004489: [Quote] Make it possible to send quotation for assembly from MP
- 0004574: [Product] ADM: Tweaks and fixes as in ME 5.4
- 0004572: [Product] History button replaced with ADM button
- 0004575: [Statistics] Invoiced annual revenue is sometimes too large
Build (18-12-2020)
- 0004551: [Other] Tweaks to recent customers
Build (11-12-2020)
- 0004548: [Product] Can not edit prices if all prices are invalid and product is not board or stencil
Build (02-12-2020)
- 0004540: [Product] ADM Several tweaks and fixes
Build (19-11-2020)
New features:
- 0004437: [Product] ADM Mounting type column in BOM import
- 0004516: [Product] ADM BOM fields and sorting during import BOM
- 0004514: [Product] ADM Do not allow saving changes for shared products
- 0004480: [Product] ADM User experience tweaks
- 0004438: [Product] ADM Multiple Supplier/SKU columns in imported BOM
- 0004534: [Statistics] Add mech parts and assy to revenue/orders by product type in weekly report
- 0004522: [Product] ADM Problem importing PnP with missing values
- 0004529: [Product] ADM Choose fiducial mounting style
Build (10-11-2020)
- 0004526: [MIF] DNP component property not saved to cache
- 0004523: [Viewer] Copperfill is displayed incorrectly
Build (09-10-2020)
- 0004504: [ADM] Clarify rotation of bottom side components
Build (23-09-2020)
- 0004488: [Product] ADM: DNP attribute does not get saved to product file
- 0004479: [Product] Expand Create variant form when changing product type
- 0004478: [Product] ADM: In viewer if swapping between Product view and BOM view no items are visible in BOM
- 0004475: [Product] ADM does not appear to find parts when only one hit
Build (20-08-2020)
- 0004460: [Other] Cannot view pallet products
- 0004459: [Viewer] Thermal aperture does not display properly
- 0000000: [Viewer] Mech products do not show in viewer
Build (05-08-2020)
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager - New Octopart API
Build (01-07-2020)
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager - a few tweaks
- 0003997: [Product] Fixed problem with warning when changed stackup changes product type
Build (25-06-2020)
New features:
- 0004434: [Search] Search for products imported by Orcad->Macaos or by GbrJob
- 0004435: [Other] Count Orcad->Macaos purchases in current or previous month
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager - swap layer, delete component
Build (23-06-2020)
New features:
- 0004425: [Product] Expand paint color specification modes
- 0004422: [Product] Make variant of mech product
- 0004426: [Search] Search for boards with assy data or non-board products by product type
- 0003997: [Product] Warning when changed stackup changes product type
- 0004431: [Product] Can not open solder pallet in viewer
- 0004429: [Product] Viewer does not display color of mech part
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager - fixed problem saving data
Build (29-05-2020)
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager - Export PnP, MST report, Group edit ops, Import DNP from BOM
Build (25-05-2020)
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager - several bug fixes
Build (19-05-2020)
New features:
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager component pricing module
Build (08-05-2020)
New features:
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager component search module
Build (30-04-2020)
New features:
- 0004415: [Product] Assembly Data Manager
- 0004396: [Macaos] Popup "Are you sure you want to send ME download info?" before sending
- 0004398: [Product] Special specification checkboxes are sometimes hidden
Build (18-12-2019)
New features:
- 0000000: [Other] Use Tools|Recent customers to generate list of e-mail addresses
Build (25-11-2019)
- 0004339: [Product] Not all chars of Surface finish is included in Order confirmation or quotations
- 0004338: [Other] Occasional AV
- 0004370: [Product] Variants sometimes created with new product number added to the old product NVPs
- 0004346: [Product] Flex stackups (1021) are not opened correctly in stackup editor
- 0004344: [Product] Can not read fresedim.txt file when product is in cache
Build (10-10-2019)
- 0004332: [Product] Add support for pallet products
- 0004328: [Product] Add warning when saving a rigid-flex product with 0 flex layers
- 0004312: [Product] Wrong message type on update stackup drawing
- 0004311: [Product] Customer popup comments should show in quote dialog
- 0004333: [Product] Cannot zoom in 3D viewer
- 0004326: [Product] AV when creating variant with different layer count
- 0004313: [Product] Copper thickness is sometimes shown wrong for special stackups
Build (12-08-2019)
- 0004298: [Product] Add variant for stencil products
- 0004295: [Product] Add "Special (see comment)" as mech part material
Build (02-07-2019)
- 0004287: [Order] Cannot create copy of order
Build (01-07-2019)
New features:
- 0004284: [Product] Create RFQ for assembly
- 0004280: [Product] Create order for assembly
- 0004253: [Order] Packing options not shown on options tab unless in Edit mode
Build (23-04-2019)
- 0004238: [Order] Use Waiting site icon for orders on wait
- 0004222: [Quote] Sellers name is not saved in the Quotations details dlg
- 0004204: [Quote] Specify Qty panels and boards for panel products when sending quotations with single qty/time
- 0004224: [Viewer] Show flex layers slightly wider in rigid-flex stackup
- 0004167: [Viewer] Add minimum feature functions to view mode menu
- 0004223: [Order] X-outs and UL-certified fabricator options are missing from the order options
- 0004241: [Product] Stackup thickness in OC/Quote for free builds should be nominal thickness
- 0004217: [Product] Can not add adhesive layer beside cover layer
- 0004207: [Product] Stackup drawing in PDF does not draw thin/flex boards
Build (27-02-2019)
- 0004198: [Order] Inconsistency in supplier lists for depanel fixtures
- 0004201: [Quote] Quotations for single qty/time is unclear
- 0004195: [Product] Cannot set "Not yet CAM" once a CAM person has been selected
Build (15-02-2019)
New features:
- 0004178: [Order] Always set supplier to Waiting when creating an order
- 0003941: [Order] Changes to Order confirmations and quotations sent from MP/MC
- 0004151: [Order] Campaign text shows #NL# instead of a new line
- 0003981: [Order] Improve stackup and material info of order confimations
- 0003992: [Product] Add material to stackup hint
- 0003988: [Product] Show CAM by for inactive salesperson
- 0004091: [Order] For non-PCB products the supplier lists are different in drop-down and popup
- 0004135: [Product] Selecting a Depanel product activates the save button
- 0004188: [Quote] Currency and exchange rate do not show properly
- 0004160: [Quote] Incorrect material description in quotation/OC
- 0004140: [Statistics] Query error in Customer summary
Build (11-10-2018)
- 0004070: [Other] Access violation when viewing mix
Build (08-10-2018)
- 0004051: [Product] Based on infomation is sometimes lost
Build (04-09-2018)
New features:
0004028: [Product] Add ability to add/edit BasedOn
0003966: [Product] Bugs when editing a flex stackup 0004022: [Product] Cover layer thickness not correct when editing
Build (06-08-2018)
- 0004018: [Product] AV when viewing mechanical part product
Build (30-07-2018)
- 0004015: [Product] Support for depanel fixture products
- 0004016: [Other] Updated viewer module
Build (09-05-2018)
New features:
- 0003963: [Product] Make it possible to delete stock from database
- 0003950: [Product] 1-layer MBB stackup does not load properly for editing
Build (12-04-2018)
- 0003938: [Order] Protect frame state is not included in the OC for stencil products
- 0003945: [Other] 1-layer MBB stackup does not show properly
- 0003923: [Search] Elprint Order# is hidden from Order search pane on program startup
Build (01-03-2018)
- 0003907: [Product] Color check box should not show when viewing mech part
- 0003892: [Product] Allow specifying CTI for custom dielectric material
- 0003541: [Product] Stackup viewer: Add display of blind an buried vias
- 0003906: [Price] Mech parts get painted price even with no color selected
- 0003890: [Price] PCB with special material not identified as having special material
- 0003901: [Product] Dielectric material shows incorrectly when editing custom stackup
Build (20-02-2018)
- 0003877: [Other] Caption missing from Machines folder in OTS product mgr
- 0003898: [Product] Load customer's previous builds in custom build editor
- 0003897: [Product] Custom build does not load into editor properly
- 0003875: [Product] When editing Stencil thickness, Save button is not activated
Build (08-02-2018)
- 0003880: [Product] Access violation when editing 1-layer stackup
- 0003881: [Viewer] Stackup viewer does not draw stackup when switching tabs
Build (07-02-2018)
- 0003831: [Order] Add Green partner Tech logo
- 0003815: [Order] Add Shenzhen Lexcent Tech. as supplier of plastic parts
- 0003784: [Other] Order Macaos licenses by active then MacId
- 0003869: [Order] OC with zero qty crashes server
- 0003800: [Order] Lexcent does not show in supplier list
- 0003861: [Product] Publisher gets changed when editing connector
- 0003846: [Product] Looking for Customer info for global product causes ME001 SQL error
- 0003841: [Product] Mouse wheel when viewing machine product causes errors
Build (22-08-2017)
New features:
- 0003764: [Statistics] Show total sales in NOK
- 0003763: [Statistics] Separate paste masks from other in products stats
Build (09-06-2017)
- 0003726: [Search] Status bar hints have corrupt text
- 0003728: [Order] Shipping price for unaccompanied stencils added to stencil price
- 0003727: [Order] Cannot view internal invoice
Build (30-05-2017)
New features:
- 0003708: [Other] Add menu command to easily add/change price of connector
- 0003689: [Order] Add warning if trying to send Preliminary Order Confirmation
- 0003680: [Order] Round off prices
- 0003691: [Quote] pdf quotations/order conf should contain info of alu boards
- 0003707: [Customer] Newline not properly shown in customer followup dialog
Build (23-03-2017)
New features:
- 0003677: [Product] Add support for mechanical part products
- 0003429: [Quote] Add cover lay and stiffener T/B to quotes and OCs for flex/RF boards
- 0003434: [Product] Make product viewer show product view tab when opening form
- 0003675: [Quote] Some users report difficulty selecting qtys/days due to font size
- 0003661: [Quote] Colors/Finishes not correctly constrained if mode is in-list/not-in-list
- 0003657: [Quote] Price for product differs before and after getting price with free specs
Build (28-02-2017)
New features:
- 0003531: [Order] add possibility to set factory and customer date for all positions in order
- 0003625: [Quote] ME shopping basket should not be visible
- 0003610: [Order] Board weight shows 1000x too large before saving order
- 0003612: [Product] Product nr does not show in Edit share dialog
- 0003628: [Product] Cannot add new price to OTS product
Build (01-02-2017)
- 0003570: [Quote] Do not show product number in quote with free specs
- 0003603: [Order] Round off prices
- 0003594: [Order] Show entire product description for connectors (and other OTS products)
- 0003592: [Order] Order confirmations. Truncate long texts
- 0003608: [Order] Adding multiple positions to an order gives wrong warning about currency
- 0003562: [Order] OST and test equipment does not have a weight
- 0003606: [Quote] Error calculations when editing prices
- 0003591: [Search] Save button gets activated
Build (26-01-2017)
New features:
- 0003216: [Order] Add interface to edit office/manufacturer holidays
- 0003374: [Price] It should be possible to order a product even if no price is available
[Order] New price engine supports flexible pricing for non-board products [Order] Changes to Quotation dialog user interface [Order] Exchange rates in Tools|Sales office settings [Quote] Double-click on price to view price breakdown details
- 0003550: [Viewer] Add status text to see if the view is mirrored or rotated
Macaos Perception 1.2
Build (21-11-2016)
New features:
- 0003537: [Order] Factory price should be included with order for OTS product
- 0003538: [Product] OTS product mgr should support sorting products into subcategories
- 0003532: [Product] Add more icons to product specifications cell
- 0003529: [Product] Wrong min hole size when creating variant
- 0003526: [Product] drill table missing
Build (02-11-2016)
- 0003523: [Statistics] Add test equipment and connectors to product types
- 0003511: [Quote] Wrong product in quote module
Build (13-09-2016)
- 0003486: [Product] Cannot sort by columns in OTS manager browser tree
- 0003479: [Product] OTS product image should show in product viewer module
- 0003485: [Order] Editing position changes supplier to waiting prepaid
- 0003480: [Order] Elprint China does not display in Supplier text box when supplier for position
Build (22-08-2016)
New features:
- 0003448: [Product] Generate quotation for OTS product
- 0003450: [Product] Warn that ordered product may not be deleted
- 0003439: [Product] OTS manager: Product weight does not get saved/restored
Build (04-08-2016)
- 0003434: [Product] Make product viewer show product view tab when opening form
- 0003437: [Price] Surface finish cost not correctly calculated in some cases
Build (26-07-2016)
- 0003430: [Order] Orders for SW-Mix shows Brandner in JO, MC and MP icon in order search
- 0003421: [Order] Placing orders for panels adds No x-outs order comment
- 0003432: [Product] Add blind/buried vias to prod specs icons
- 0003422: [Product] For 152795, it's not possible to change product type
- 0003423: [Quote] Quote with no X-out not shown as being with no X-out
- 0003424: [Order] Wrong product type icons when adding products to an order
Build (21-06-2016)
- 0003407: [Product] It should not be possible to create or copy connector products
- 0003390: [Product] Annular ring edit box changes entered value
- 0003413: [Quote] When viewing a quote for free specs, the product number is shown
- 0003408: [Search] It is not possible to search for OTS products
Build (30-05-2016)
- 0003388: [Order] OC does not display No X-Out
- 0003383: [Order] Various bugs in MP
Build (13-05-2016)
- 0003382: [Product] Add support for EU tariff code in OTS products
Build (09-05-2016)
New features:
- 0003370: [Product] Press P to open cursor position dialog in viewer
- 0003359: [Quote] Push edited quotations to database
- 0003368: [Order] IPC-1601 defaults to True
- 0003369: [Order] Quotation module claims that IPC2 orders can not get IPC3 price
Build (06-05-2016)
New features:
- 0003367: [Other] Off-the-shelf product manager
- 0003358: [Quote] Change specs for quote bug
Build (29-03-2016)
- 0003343: [Order] The new extra options are not shown in OC
- 0003340: [Order] Changing Sold By or Manuf. by popup menu on position does not update the forms controls
- 0003344: [Quote] Round off prices for quotations
Build (14-03-2016)
- 0003311: [Order] Order area and weight is wrong in some cases
Build (04-03-2016)
- 0003286: [Product] Change the product type icon when it is edited
- 0003287: [Macaos] Pricelists, discount. Can't set discount to negative
- 0003288: [Quote] Can't set negative discount in Quotation spin edit
Build (16-02-2016)
- 0003277: [Search] Add a What's new item in the help menu
- 0003278: [Product] Unable to edit stackup
- 0003280: [Order] Copy of OC not sent to sales office
Build (12-02-2016)
- 0003261: [Order] It should be possible when creating an order to search for products not owned by the orderby company
- 0003275: [Search] When a search returns no hits, popup a message
- 0003258: [Order] Supplier name not shown in Supplier field for price list 15
- 0003253: [Product] Save button gets activated when clicking rapidly on different products
- 0003251: [Product] It's not possible in Product search to find a Global product
- 0003245: [Product] Looks like not public stackups has been hidden in the edit stackup
- 0003255: [Quote] Order options do not show in quotation viewer
- 0003263: [Search] search gives sql error if nothing selected in compare combo box
Build (30-11-2015)
- 0003217: [Product] Add hole density and min hole-to-Cu clearance to board statistics
- 0003212: [Quote] Quote viewer shows price list icon, even if price is NA
- 0003214: [Product] Stencil reduction does not get written to the NVPs
Build (24-11-2015)
- 0003211: [Quote] Access violation when viewing quotation
Build (19-11-2015)
- 0003186: [Customer] On merging company, add Macaos User Id to the company comment
- 0003203: [Product] Add Beveled Edge and No Cu Shave product specifications
- 0003206: [Search] Newlines in Address column of search grid show as ##_13_10##
- 0003201: [Order] Show customer number in select contact person dialog
- 0003200: [Order] Price line description sometimes is Product rather than CARD
- 0003162: [Order] Quotation: Setting board price to 0 give 0 division error
- 0003176: [Product] Create product variant does not set min through hole size
- 0003137: [Product] Order comment or product comment does not work for OC
Build (12-10-2015)
- 0003154: [Product] Show buildup details as hint of Stackup label
- 0003152: [Order] SQL error when adding position to existing order
- 0003153: [Order] Area and weight do not display properly in Order tree
Build (05-10-2015)
New features:
- 0003130: [Order] Incoterm possibilites: DDP, DAP, Ex Works
- 0003120: [Order] Add Vacuum pack size as order option
- 0003090: [Order] Add support for order options
- 0003078: [Order] Add possibility to save packing list (pdf) from packing list popup
- 0003091: [Product] Add support for additional product types
- 0003089: [Product] Add additional product properties
- 0003143: [Search] Right-click to show recent orders/products for company
- 0003138: [Search] Ctrl+click in any cell should copy the cell contents to clipboard
- 0003119: [Macaos] When creating new user, copy as much info from exising user as possible
- 0003093: [Quote] On quotations for panel products, make the qty more clear
- 0003092: [Quote] Add info to email text/subject for quotations sent to customers
- 0003106: [Order] When placing orders, the contact persons are not gray if inactive
- 0003088: [Order] Divide by zero error if board qty is zero
- 0003087: [Order] Stackup thicknesses are incorrect in OrderConf if 1-layer lam thick
Macaos Perception 1.1
Build (13-08-2015)
- 0003087: [Order] Stackup thicknesses wrong if 1-layer lam thick<Cu thick
- 0003102: [General] Compatible with extended product type IDs
Build (18-06-2015)
- 0003060: [Macaos] After sending a users login info, Copy login info is incorrect
- 0003034: [Customer] Followup history does not clear when clearing customer
Build (12-03-2015)
- 0003023: [Search] Add markup column to orders summary
- 0003021: [Quote] Office name and address may be wrong after viewing first quotation
Build (18-02-2015)
New features:
- 0002980: [Customer] Customer followup feature
- 0002954: [Customer] Add DHL acct no as type
- 0002953: [Order] "Confirm email" to have a fixed email address for OC's for each company
- 0002952: [Order] It should be possible to choose EXW (Ex Works) as a shipping terms option (rather than DDP)
- 0003010: [Statistics] Add statistics for published products to weekly report
- 0002992: [Macaos] Limit the number of enities loaded for user statistics
- 0003009: [Order] When clicking on ShipTo or Invoice hyperlink, select contact person as well as address
- 0002941: [Order] Subject line in OC mail should include board name
- 0002988: [Order] Weight of an order changes upon saving order details in rare cases
- 0002981: [Customer] Merge company does not clear macaos company link from "old" company
- 0002997: [Search] Surface specifications is wrong for Non Rohs HASL in Order list
- 0002963: [Order] OC: Product comments are included for all stencil products
- 0002986: [Search] Some surface finishes show incorrectly in icons/tooltips
Macaos Perception 1.0
Build (22-10-2014)
New features:
- 0002929: [Product] Show more company info when changing product owner
- 0002876: [Product] Product publisher name and cert docs should show in product history
- 0002887: [Order] Supplier list - sorting and filter as in Convergence
Build (21-08-2014)
- 0002846: [Quote] Uncheck No-X out when disabling it for non-panel products
- 0002845: [Status] Updated Gerber reader/writer to Gerber revision J3
- 0002830: [Viewer] Pick and Place data is not correctly cached in some cases
- 0002842: [Viewer] Graphical error when displaying corner tabs on sides with zero frame width
Build (23-07-2014)
New features:
- 0002789: [Order] Add Countersink holes as parameter in OC
- 0002832: [Search] Should be able to copy list to clipboard on search and stats lists
- 0002801: [Macaos] Save button is not activated when editing a Macaos user
- 0002790: [Quote] Peeloff is NO even when peeloff bottom is checked
- 0002829: [Search] Trim the pasted text before performing a search
Build (24-06-2014)
New features:
- 0002774: [Order] It should be possible to change qty shipped on delivery order line
- 0002781: [Product] Support for Gerber files with RS-274X2 file attributes
- 0002773: [Product] Inactive surface finishes unavailable in quote dialog
Build (19-05-2014)
- 0002750: [Other] "Unexpected Class ID encountered: CTMifPoint" when viewing new mixes
Build (24-04-2014)
New features:
- 0002753: [Quote] Product's @OC params are shown in quote dialog
- 0002688: [Product] Show customer's custom stackups in stackup chooser
- 0002755: [Product] Stackup thickness/material does not display in quotation
Build (02-04-2014)
- 0002731: [Product] Cannot edit custom stackup with non-standard prepreg combination
- 0002739: [Quote] Improved display of quotes forwarded from MC
Build (27-03-2014)
New features:
- 0002717: [General] Add help text for @OC comment parameters
- 0002721: [General] Add icons for Huason, MIM 1 and MIM
- 0002687: [Order] Orders placed on price list 15 (SW-Mix) show as production site Brandner
- 0002690: [Product] Update varlist id=11 when changeing board specs
- 0002707: [Product] In Edit product, don't disable the Comment button
- 0002718: [Order] Clicking "order history" in Product tab on a product not belonging to you office, won't show order history
- 0002716: [Order] Order confirmation: @OC product comments do not work as expected
- 0002695: [Macaos] SQL error if user has not published any products
Build (28-02-2014)
New features:
- 0002686: [General] Allow hiding editor pane
Build (26-02-2014)
- 0002683: [General] Show list count in history lists of detail panes
- 0002679: [Customer] Context menu items should not be enabled when list is empty
- 0002668: [Order] Position summary bar cell widths do not match tree cell widths
- 0002682: [Search] Product list Owner/Publ columns don't change detail pane as expected
- 0002684: [Statistics] Customer summary copy to clipboard and summary bar include hidden items
Build (28-01-2014)
- 0002631: [General] Add option to disable showing/loading todays orders on startup
- 0002635: [Search] Should not initiate search when changing compare by dropdown list
- 0002636: [Order] Warn after deleting price line to regenerate OC
- 0002634: [Customer] In Company info tab, in the Macaos list, add "Send download info" to popup menu
- 0002650: [Statistics] Add post code column to Macaos statistics
- 0002651: [Statistics] Weekly report should be shown in office's currency rather than NOK
- 0002639: [Search] Search on company returns all companies
- 0002649: [Statistics] Macaos Statistics does not give correct activity quantities if start/end dates are the same
- 0002652: [Statistics] Conversion from NOK to office's currency is calculated wrong in Annual Overview and Office Overview
Build (14-01-2014)
New features:
- 0002621: [Search] Additional ways to search for shipped orders
- 0002625: [Order] Adding stencil product to basket closes dialog
- 0002627: [Search] Shipments: Add production site column
- 0002629: [Search] Warn if searching for a number or product number when search text is invalid
- 0002626: [Search] When searching for a product belonging to another office, it should show all details
Build (23-12-2013)
New features:
- 0002611: [Viewer] Ctrl+Alt+Click on hole to open padstack viewer
- 0002607: [Viewer] Allow rotate view to rotate 0/90/180/360 degrees
- 0002606: [Viewer] Add vertical scroll bar to help tab in layer list
- 0002599: [Viewer] Allow toggle between normal and cross-hair cursor
- 0002594: [Viewer] Show product specs and tool list for mixes
- 0002601: [Order] Warning text does not display properly when trying to save order
- 0002610: [Product] Product specs not updated in quote dialog after edit/save
Build (06-12-2013)
New features:
- 0002593: [General] Add "Change campaign text"
- 0002596: [Order] Expanded capabilities for order confirmations
- 0002489: [Viewer] For multi-product panels, show Product number layer
- 0002242: [Viewer] Make screendump from Viewer directly
- 0002190: [Viewer] Mirror and/or rotate view
Build (29-11-2013)
New features:
- 0002589: [Order] Create vacuum package in Mark As Shipped
- 0002582: [Order] When making quotation, discount factor should be shown from customer's price lists
- 0002565: [Order] Make it possible to change Sold by in the context menu for the order
- 0002587: [Search] Search for customers by post code
- 0002583: [Statistics] Add filtering to Macaos Licenses in Statistics window
- 0002590: [General] Do not embed fonts in Order Conf or Quotation PDFs. Right-click on button to embed fonts
- 0002581: [Order] Show time in timestamp column
- 0002586: [Order] Incorrect newline in order confirmation
- 0002585: [Order] New button in wrong position
- 0002564: [Order] Order currency does not match quotation currency if non-standard currency chosen in quotation
- 0002568: [Search] Filter with article# doesn't work
- 0002567: [Search] Filter shows the wrong product after paste
Build (24-10-2013)
New features:
- 0002531: [Order] Extract an invoice page and mail it to the customer in one operation
- 0002551: [Product] List of tool diameters added to product viewer
- 0002530: [Search] The invoice search should have hyperlink(s) to the applicable order/position(s)
- 0002529: [Order] Do not allow replace product if some position info is missing
- 0002555: [Viewer] Drill sizes missing from very old products
- 0002554: [Viewer] Buried via layers not shown as drill layers
Build (27-09-2013)
- 0002498: [Order] Do not pre-select supplier if unknown
- 0002499: [Search] Add icons for Ronghui and Multilayer
- 0002494: [Search] Add factory name in hint for Factory column
- 0002488: [Search] In search pane, Shipments, add link to track and trace for tracking numbers
- 0002487: [Search] Add more info about shipments for each product in the mix viewer
- 0002507: [Order] Some info not displayed when adding a position to an order
- 0002515: [Product] Cannot locate target company when changing product owner
- 0002501: [Product] Multi-word folder names are displayed incorrectly
Build (06-09-2013)
- 0002484: [General] On Customer stat pane, it's not possible to use the filter function of search pane
- 0002486: [Order] Filename missing when attaching stackup drawing to order confirmation
- 0002485: [Statistics] Stats pane, Orders tab, kr/dm2 column does not summarize properly
Build (05-09-2013)
- 0002479: [General] Do not automatically load product history/stock lists
- 0002477: [Order] Do not show OC on Save order
- 0002478: [Product] Do not ask for confirmation if "Not yet CAM" selected
- 0002476: [Order] Comment button does not work
- 0002480: [Search] Search check box states for Order searches get changed by Shipments searches
Build (03-09-2013)
New features:
- 0002247: [Order] When sending OC's add possibility to add paste data
- 0002474: [Search] It should be possible to filter a search results list by a date range
- 0002464: [Product] Prefill article and description when making product variant
- 0002465: [Product] Fusion mixes do not show in Mix history list
- 0002466: [Product] Product info missing from TOC in Layout document set when sent with quotation
- 0002472: [Search] Switching search pane when in Customer stats pane causes invalid date error
- 0002475: [Search] Divide by zero error if summarizing empty search list
- 0002473: [Statistics] Customer Summary filtering does not always update
Build (21-08-2013)
New features:
- 0002383: [Search] Company, Products: Add "order history" hyperlink
- 0002438: [Search] Company: Search for company by customer or VAT number
- 0002401: [Search] In stats pane Customer tab, add address field
- 0002402: [Search] Company: indicate if a company has several departments
- 0002422: [Search] Orders: Add hyperlink to mix viewer
- 0002454: [Search] Orders: Add stackup and specifications columns
- 0002456: [Search] Customer: clicking Macaos company should load Macaos details
- 0002043: [Order] Add detailed stackup in order confirmation
- 0002425: [Order] Add context menu "Viewer" to order lines
- 0002458: [Order] Show estimated weight in position lines
- 0002388: [Product] View/save layout drawing set
- 0002453: [Product] Make variant of product
- 0002415: [General] Too many click to refresh lists
- 0002423: [General] When in Edit mode, make CTRL+S save the changes or CTRL+R reset edit mode
- 0002413: [Order] "Hidden price mod" or "Price mod hidden"
- 0002420: [Order] In order confirmations, Quantity for eg. Panel stepping is 0. Should be 1
- 0002437: [Product] It's not possible to change number of layers in stackup selection
- 0002403: [Search] If in stat pane-Customer tab, when selecting a different search pane-tab, load/update info
- 0002414: [Search] The filter function does not update when checking checkboxes or clearing search text
- 0002392: [Macaos] If a Macaos user is inactive, you can't send download info or copy log in to clip brd
- 0002395: [Order] If Change supplier menu is opened, but nothing is chosen, then supplier gets set to Waiting-Prepaid
- 0002412: [Order] Right click below the position detail items in the eltree causes Access violation
- 0002394: [Product] Stackup drawing and documentation set do not get attached to quotation mail
- 0002405: [Product] Non-public surface finishes do not show properly
- 0002406: [Product] Product checkboxes do not work (peel-off and scoring)
Build (14-06-2013)
New features:
- 0002318: [General] Add new company search functionallity
- 0002319: [General] Add filter functionality to history lists
- 0002329: [Order] Add right-click function to change shipment date without having to go in edit modes
- 0002367: [Order] "Add new position(s) job overview" check box when placing an order
- 0002332: [Product] Add calculations to edit boxes for drill count
- 0002338: [Product] Make it possible to unmark as panelized by office
- 0002355: [Product] Pre-select recipient for quotation email
- 0002333: [Search] Right-click on a line in search list (product/order/ship/quote) to copy product number
- 0002374: [Search] Add more info to the top right product list. Surface and icons for non standard colors, gold, scoring etc
- 0002380: [Search] Allow filtering of search lists
- 0002377: [Search] Do not make auto-search
- 0002327: [Order] Stencil orders should be set to Musen Laser as supplier
- 0002328: [Order] Supplier list should be sorted as it is in MC, with the most used suppliers first
- 0002352: [Order] Pre-select shipping method by sales office
- 0002375: [Order] Weeks in DatePicker (From factory/to customer) starts with Sunday instead of Monday
- 0002376: [Order] When placing orders Customer and Factory dates must be set to the same date
- 0002342: [Search] Quotation list price list column is missing header text
- 0002346: [Search] Panelized single board has wrong product icon
- 0002325: [Customer] Bottom Customer tab should not re-load data when tab becomes active
- 0002326: [Order] In edit positions, the save button is not activated if ship date is changed
- 0002330: [Order] Stencil orders get "Non UL fab. accepted" as order comment
- 0002337: [Order] Price details are shown incorrectly
- 0002354: [Order] Cancel freight while in edit mode fails and deletes the order
- 0002369: [Order] Order Save button should not be enabled when in Edit mode for Position
- 0002351: [Product] More|Change Owner does nothing